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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

It is VERY effective in inducing routine sleep in patients with chronic problems and leaves no side effects. Been around for ages.

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

Hello,I take Trazadone for sleep.It can make you feel drowsy the next morning until you develop a tolerance for it. Also can give you vivid dreams/nightmares,which is a known side effect.Does work very well for sleep. Good Luck!

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

Thank you - I have talked to the pharmacist and to the dr. I have also looked it up. I just wanted to get some extra advice. I just went off an antidepressant and I have been suffering for three weeks, so I decided that I really do need some medication. I was taking remeron but the dr. suggested this instead. I just like to research and get other opinions. I really don't have anyone in my family that understands what I'm going through. I can only talk to the dr. for so long. I appreciate any advice.

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone


I took it YEARS ago. My doc explained to me that in my case it was primarily to help with sleep. He gave me a low dose. He told me it had a bonus side effect of helping with depression. It worked for me. Just so you know, years later my Dad passed tragically and I went on some of the newer antidepressants that are "supposed" to be so good. They didn't really work for me, sometimes the old stuff that is tried and true can really work. Just my opinion.

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

natesgrandma, so sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. I've suffered from depression for years. My doc switched me from Ativan, which I was taking for sleep, to Trazodone. It made me feel horrible. It was a while ago, so I can't remember any more details. But when I saw the doc again, I said, "NO MORE TRAZODONE! Never! Please note that in my records."

Others take it and have no problem, so you could try it when you know you're going to be home, just in case it doesn't agree with you. But you may not have a problem with it, as I did.

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

Ooh, I loved Trazadone and miss it. Smiley Sad It helped me sleep at night AND it made the nightmares go away. I was on another antidepressant to be taken in the morning and this antidepressant that's designed to take at night and also helps with sleeping.

These are questions that I would make sure are answered before leaving his office, though. Smiley Happy

Now, I'm not sure I'm responding to the same thing in the OP and what others are discussing. The one I took was Trazadone (Desyrel) and some are discussing TrazOdone, so I don't know if that's something different or just a misspelling.

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

On 4/3/2015 Krimpette said:

Contact your pharmacist for a clear understanding.

ITA! Best Advice anyone has given. ALWAYS ask a professional.

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

Don't ask people here. Ask your Dr about that. Ask the pharmacist because he/she knows about all of the medicines you take and how it will affect you.

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

I used it years ago when I had insomnia. It's an older antidepressant that they found worked better for sleep. It's pretty benign. I didn't have any side effects.

I think I was on 50 mgs.... Anyway, the doctor told me to stop it whenever I wanted to. But, I did have some mild discontinuation symptoms, so I just tapered it over a few weeks.

I'm sensitive to medications, and this one was really no problem. However, as it turned out, my insomnia was due to overactive thyroid issues, so it didn't help me to sleep.

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Re: Help - Anyone ever heard of Trazodone

Let me see if I got this right. Your doctor gives you a prescription and you do not ask him/her what it is? I am actually too shocked to even say anything right now.