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@hckynutjohn  @Tissyanne  Thanks for the info on the Eliquis.  I appreciate it. I couldn't believe how expensive it is!  I will definitely look into it. From what I understand... Eliquis is a 24 hr. pill... in that, if you need emergency surgery, they can do it in a shorter period of time ...whereas  with Warfarin the wait would be longer.  


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Registered: ‎06-10-2010


@on the bay wrote:


Gosh you have been through so much. I hope your doctors will find what they need to help you.

Though you hope they would know exactly what to do in a w ay I think it is good that that doctor said she would have to study more on it. Like not just guessing you know?

I hope you keep feeling better and then all the way to good!

@on the bay  I agree about the doctor. She has lots of degrees but was humble enough to admit this one is something she will have to study on. I was impressed. I would prefer to stay close to home. Lot's of people around here get sent to the Cleveland Clinic but I would prefer to be closer to home and the hospital she is affiliated with  has a good reputation and is only about a 30 minute drive from us.    

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Hope this gets resolved soon for you!

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 Prayers for answers and healing.

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Praying for you, Jubilant!!  

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: Health Update

[ Edited ]


@jubilant wrote:

@hckynutjohn  @Tissyanne  Thanks for the info on the Eliquis.  I appreciate it. I couldn't believe how expensive it is!  I will definitely look into it. From what I understand... Eliquis is a 24 hr. pill... in that, if you need emergency surgery, they can do it in a shorter period of time ...whereas  with Warfarin the wait would be longer.  





I know from my many years on Coumadin(warfarin) they say it stays in your system for 72 hours. With Lovenox it is 12 hours, thus the injections twice a day.


None of my doctors were able explain to me, in terms I believe, why when on Eliquis, there are no blood draws, to check INR/ProTime numbers.


I know those numbers quite well, because I have been on both deadly ends of them. With my 2 episodes of PE(lung blood clots) from low INR/Protime, and almost bleeding out from high INR/Protime. Had I not been in a building connected to the hospital when my INR spiked, I would have bled out.


Were I to need to be on blood thinners, long term again, I would insist on the one that is monitored, Coumadin/Warfarin. That for the reasons I explained above.


Really hope it all works out well for you. 2🙏


hckynut 🇺🇸



