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Re: 🛒💊🗑👃🏻🤧Having a Cold is Expensive

Thanks, @Lipstickdiva, I am feeling better. I 'm going to go out today, because I need to buy a birthday present. On to the next phase of getting over a cold - the weakness cold sweats :-(


Yeah, I don't know what it is, but the last few colds I've had, I thought they were allergies, because it's not unusual for a heavy allergy attack to feel like a systemic cold for me. And by the time you know it's a cold, kinda too late for the Zicam. And I actually felt worse by the 4th-5th days than the 3rd-4th. I've been lucky in that while I've had a stuffy nose, it wasn't blocked solid, and I haven't had a runny nose. My cough has mostly stopped being productive and has stuck to that #!?!# tickle, which I still have. There's one spot in my throat....grrrr.


Hope you are on the mend as well.

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Re: 🛒💊🗑👃🏻🤧Having a Cold is Expensive

[ Edited ]

All you need for a cold is a bottle of tylenol or aspirin and some kleenex. Taking all those over the counter drugs does much more harm than good.Take your aspirin or tylenol and drink tea and rest. Cost <$5.

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Re: 🛒💊🗑👃🏻🤧Having a Cold is Expensive

@151949 wrote:

All you need for a cold is a bottle of tylenol or aspirin and some kleenex. Taking all those over the counter drugs does much more harm than good.Take your aspirin or tylenol and drink tea and rest. Cost <$5.

Well I can't take aspirin or Tylenol and neither helps a cough. The only thing that helps with my cough is Mucinex.  And generally Zicam does a really good job of staving off a cold for me but I quit taking it too soon so that was my own fault.

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Re: 🛒💊🗑👃🏻🤧Having a Cold is Expensive

Taking advantage of one side effect - I have zero appetite. I know that won't last long, so hopefully will lose a pound or two until it picks up again.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: 🛒💊🗑👃🏻🤧Having a Cold is Expensive

@Daisy wrote:

Hope you're feeling a lot better soon.


When I get a cold, I'm usually out of commission for a while. I envy people who say they have a bad cold, yet they went out shopping or out for lunch, etc. My colds are usually so bad that I just want to take medicine and stay in bed. I don't feel like doing anything.

I don't, they're the reason I caught their nasty germs!