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Registered: ‎09-24-2010

Re: Has anyone had the bariatric surgery called the sleeve?

I had the RNY in February and have lost 115 lbs.  My diabetes is gone as is my sleep apnea.  I had to do the liquid diet for 2 weeks before and at least 3 after surgery.  I ate lots of soup, broth, premier protein, s/f jello and pudding.  If you have a Walmart near you, they sell large bags of s/f popsicles that were a lifesaver.   She should check with her surgeon's office for more ideas.  My best advice for her is to just keep busy.  After surgery it will be important for her to drink lots of fluids and get lots of protein.  It is a total lifestyle change and not the quick fix that everyone thinks.  Good luck to her!  

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎09-24-2010

Re: Has anyone had the bariatric surgery called the sleeve?

I had RNY in February.  I have a very small stomach, actually a pouch.  I can only eat a few bites of food at a time and get full very fast.  Overeating causes alot of discomfort and other symptoms.  It was not the easy way out but my diabetes is gone, no longer taking 3 different insulins along with pills and my sleep apnea is gone too.  I wish I had done this sooner.  I am also a very cheap date as I bring home most of what we get if we eat out and have it for 2 or 3 more meals during the week.  I am down 115 lbs. and still losing.  I am 10 lbs from my goal.  

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Re: Has anyone had the bariatric surgery called the sleeve?

@panda1234 wrote

@hckynut  I have not heard of the surgery your wife had. True, there are risks and by no means this is not the easy way out. With the sleeve, they remove a part of the stomach that produces a hormone that sends messages to the brain regarding hunger. The clear diet prior to the surgery is very difficult as you must know.





I see that @MrsRef and @Mothertrucker have told you about the Roux-en-Y surgery. I thought maybe your daughter's surgeon may have mentioned this term to her. Sorry about not explaining or just say Gastric Bypass.


From my wife's issues, and my own Colon issue, I fully understand what a Clear Liquid source of nourishment entails. Before my wife's surgery in June of 2008, I had spent part of May, and over 3 weeks of that same June, in the hospital with my Colon Bleeding. Was on Clear Liquids(Apple Juice and Orange Jello) for 17 days during that time. I weighed only 142lbs. when I went into the hospital and was pretty much bones and skin when I got home.


I am sure you know from reading some of my posts that I have been a fitness guys for many, many decades. I worked with my wife numerous times and she lost a lot of weight. She just could not stick with these methods permanently, thus her choice of the Gastric Bypass surgery.


Her Pre-Surgery Program included having to lose 50lbs before the doctor would even do her surgery. Had her exercising and walking every day prior, plus she had the same 10 day Liquids Only right before her surgery. I got home from the hospital only 4 days before she had her surgery. Whew!! That was a close one.


She knows the importance of continuing the same exercise program in order to maintain her weight loss, and so far so good. But the Surgery alone was just part of her weight loss and weight maintenance program for life.


Easy way out? No! A Tool to help? Yes.


Nothing but the best for your daughter during and after her surgery. The Liquid Part? For me it is pretty simple, as I do it myself at least once every couple months for 5-7 days. Just makes me feel better and gives me even more "get up 'en go"!
















@hckynut  I have not heard of the surgery your wife had. True, there are risks and by no means this is not the easy way out. With the sleeve, they remove a part of the stomach that produces a hormone that sends messages to the brain regarding hunger. The clear diet prior to the surgery is very difficult as you must know.


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Re: Has anyone had the bariatric surgery called the sleeve?

@hckynut  Love reading your posts. You are a wealth of medical information. Two more days of the liquid diet and then surgery. She has not done well on the diet I hope they can still do the surgery.

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Re: Has anyone had the bariatric surgery called the sleeve?


@panda1234 wrote:

@hckynut  Love reading your posts. You are a wealth of medical information. Two more days of the liquid diet and then surgery. She has not done well on the diet I hope they can still do the surgery.


Hi @panda1234,


Thank you for your nice comment. I hope your daughter's surgery and post-op goes very well for her. If like my wife's, it will like experiencing a new type of life, and a very different way of eating and looking at food. Let me know how things work out for her, and give her my best.





Valued Contributor
Posts: 613
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Has anyone had the bariatric surgery called the sleeve?

You're welcome.  Wishing your daughter good luck & good health after surgery!


I actually wrote a lenghty reply a couple days ago detailing my experience with the RNY gastric bypass but it never posted...don't know what happened.  Don't have a chance to rewrite it now, but will check back in a few days to see if you post how your daughter is doing and if I have a chance can rewrite some of it.  But the gastric sleeve is now being performed more frequently now, instead of the RNY gastric bypass, because of fewer complications with it.  ❤ to your daughter.  😊