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For those who have had the shingles vaccine

I went Tuesday and got the shngles vaccine. Side effects were redness at area of injection, itching, soreness. Well, I have the redness that is like a bad sunburn, about 3" around, and it itches. Am using hydrocortizone, but it's not really helping to stop the itch. My question is: How long will the rash/itch be there? None of the websites tell you that, only that you will have the symptoms. I have also iced it, which helps temporarily. Thank you for any responses.

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Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

I had the vaccine a few years ago, and don't remember any real issues with a reaction. Of course everyone is different.

I remember what you are describing, redness,swelling. Ice helped.


Hope you're feeling better soon.

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Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

I would recommend an antihistamine and some Benedryl cream for itchiness. And call your doctor's office and ask a nurse about how long the rash might last, not only because they should have an answer, but also because it's good to let them know in case it should have cleared up already.

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Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

I got the shingles shot from the Pharmacist at our local Rite Aid  a few years ago and remember just icing it.  You could call your local pharmacy and ask the Pharmacist what would help. I'm sure he or she would be able to suggest something.  Feel better soon!

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Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

My husband received his vaccine three weeks adverse reactions at all.

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Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

Your pharmacist should be able to advise you.

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Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

Hope you feel better soon, I didn't have any reaction.

Super Contributor
Posts: 481
Registered: ‎04-06-2010

Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

Thank you ladies, for the suggestions. I will call the pharmacist and see what he says. I got the vaccine at Walgreens, and he said to use calamine lotion for the itch, I told him I had the hydrocortizone, and he said that would work too. It's nice to get feedback from friendly folks!!  Smiley Happy

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Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

I had mine about 5 years ago and did not have a reaction.  However, this year when I got my flu shot, for the first time ever I did have a reaction.  My arm was red and swollen and I had a headache all day the next day.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: For those who have had the shingles vaccine

I had some itchiness around the site of my injection but it didn't last long, maybe a couple of days.

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