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Does anyone have these in their eyes?  How do you deal with them?  I just got a big one and it is annoying. 

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Yes.  Believe it or not,  you will get used to it.  Sometimes, they do fall to the bottom and disappear.  Other than that, there is nothing you can do.  Annoying.

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Yes, I do have them and my opthalmologist said that your brain adjusts to them.  Eventually you will not notice them.  There is no point in getting irritated because they will not go away.  I was told I just have to get used to them.

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@turtle52. After a couple of cataract surgeries, I have them constantly.  No effort is made by eye professionals to do anything about them.   You do sort of get used to them.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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You can get lucky and they can disappear, I had them many years ago ,after only a few days, all gone !!

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@turtle52 :  My floaters have increased and have an eye appointment in June.I have no information on how to deal with them and prefer for my eye doctor to examine my eyes and prescribed any treatment needed.

They are very annoying. 

@turtle52 wrote:

Does anyone have these in their eyes?  How do you deal with them?  I just got a big one and it is annoying. 


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I have them and it was last year in August that I had a 10 minute laser surgery that was to have taken care of them. Well it may have taken care of the big one but some are back in little ways now.

What others have stated in that they fall or you adjust to them is true.

I was told by the eye doctor that this is something that happens --usually --after the age of 50. I guess I was lucky because I was 59 when I noticed my first one.


There are a few things that can be done for floaters. I did the laser. Check with your eye doctor for what treatment they suggest. 

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I have had floaters for over 20 years. You do get accustomed to them and may not notice them. Your eye care professional needs to know about them. My husband never had floaters until his cataract surgery. After four years, he still complains.

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The vitreous fluid inside the eye is mostly made of water, hyaluronic acid and collagen. Some people, including myself, have had success with reducing floaters in the eye by taking hyaluronic acid supplements. I take 200mg daily. I believe that has helped control my floaters but not completely diminished them.


Floaters form when the vitreous fluid starts to contract and collapse causing the collagen fibers to clump. The clumps are what we know as 'floaters'.

Esteemed Contributor
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I have floaters and have gotten used to them.  There is a surgery that can suck them out, but I don't think it is worth the risk.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead