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I have had mine for about 2 years. The negative things are that the battery life is very low... maybe every 2-3 months it goes out. Also, it does not accurately catch movement if I bike or do other exercise other than walk. So I question how accurate it is. I wear it on my sock as I do not think it works as well on your bra.

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On 1/25/2015 annabella said:

I have had mine for about 2 years. The negative things are that the battery life is very low... maybe every 2-3 months it goes out. Also, it does not accurately catch movement if I bike or do other exercise other than walk. So I question how accurate it is. I wear it on my sock as I do not think it works as well on your bra.

The battery is the reason I upgraded to the One.

I had too many issues with the batteries and got sick of messing with them!

I lost the battery tool on my first zip and couldn't get the back off.

Super Contributor
Posts: 1,050
Registered: ‎11-13-2014
On 1/25/2015 terrier3 said:
On 1/25/2015 annabella said:

I have had mine for about 2 years. The negative things are that the battery life is very low... maybe every 2-3 months it goes out. Also, it does not accurately catch movement if I bike or do other exercise other than walk. So I question how accurate it is. I wear it on my sock as I do not think it works as well on your bra.

The battery is the reason I upgraded to the One.

I had too many issues with the batteries and got sick of messing with them!

I lost the battery tool on my first zip and couldn't get the back off.

I do not a bracelet... I question with moving your arms if it is on the wrist how it accurately catches your steps... what if you were sitting down and moving your arms...? How does that work?

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,954
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 1/25/2015 annabella said:
On 1/25/2015 terrier3 said:
On 1/25/2015 annabella said:

I have had mine for about 2 years. The negative things are that the battery life is very low... maybe every 2-3 months it goes out. Also, it does not accurately catch movement if I bike or do other exercise other than walk. So I question how accurate it is. I wear it on my sock as I do not think it works as well on your bra.

The battery is the reason I upgraded to the One.

I had too many issues with the batteries and got sick of messing with them!

I lost the battery tool on my first zip and couldn't get the back off.

I do not a bracelet... I question with moving your arms if it is on the wrist how it accurately catches your steps... what if you were sitting down and moving your arms...? How does that work?

The Zip and the One are worn on your bra or waistband. That's why I chose them over the bracelet model.

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On 1/25/2015 Desertdi said:

I don't have one.......I think the idea borders on obsession

It might, but those of us with a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure, it can be a helpful tool towards good health.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 670
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

I have the Fitbit Flex. I got it from Costco. I love it. My kids and I compete a little to see who is the most active. It's fun.

I also use mine as an alarm clock. It just vibrates a little on my wrist to awaken me. That is much more pleasant than the shrieking of the alarm.

One of my friends has a Jawbone UP. She says it buzzes when she has been inactive for too long.

My own feeling is that they do what I ask them to do: they remind me to be as active as I intend to be.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I like mine. On the days when I think I have hit my 10,000 and have not I pop on my tredmil or take the dogs for a walk to hit goal. What I really LOVE is the sleep feature.
For some reason I love knowing how many hours I sleep, how many and what time I am restless. Worth every penny.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 773
Registered: ‎06-25-2014

I got my FitBit Flex as an xmas present, and although it wouldn't of been the one I would've bought for myself, I do really like it. If you're diligent on updating your food, then it can really help with maintaining and losing weight. The food catalog is much better than some other websites/apps I have seen.

Downfalls: Flex can be inaccurate in regards to steps because it is a bracelet. Doesn't have heart rate monitor (although the new FitBit Charge bracelet does have a heart rate monitor). Can't count calories burned, which is a big miss for me as I do Insanity workouts (which are a lot of HIIT movements and floor work) and doesn't count the "steps" obviously, so I have to "guessimate" on how many calories I burned.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

I love my Flex. I haven't had a bit of trouble with the band falling off. I don't really fret over absolute accuracy as have always thought of the number as a guide if you are moving enough or not. If it's off by a few hundred steps, who cares.

It serves a nice reminder of how much (or how little I have moved) and gets me motivated to do more. Those days where I don't want to wear a bracelet because of the need to dress up for work, I simply place the device in a pocket, sock or bra, which seems to count steps just as well.

I lost 40 pounds prior to getting the flex and think this has been one reason I have kept it off for over 2 years.

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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

I am short, so 10,000 steps for me is not 5 miles it's around 4 miles. I had the bracelet and didn't like it on my wrist so I just take the tracker and put it in my pocket.