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I have (unfortunately) had fine, thin hair all my life as did both my parents.

The older I get, the thinner my hair gets.  I now have bald spots on the back of my head Smiley Sad

Other than a wig, what suggestions do you have?

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Re: Fine, thinning hair

[ Edited ]

I'd have those bald patches diagnosed by a dermatologist.  


Female pattern baldness is treated with minoxidil and laser treatments, but it occurs where men lose their hair. 


Thin hair all over your head all your life may have been normal for you, but I'd definitely have your patches examined.  There are medical issues that can cause that.





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Re: Fine, thinning hair

[ Edited ]

@Foxxee wrote:

I'd have those bald patches diagnosed by a dermatologist.  


Thin hair all over your head all your life may have been normal for you, but I'd say that has nothing to do with bald patches on the back of your head.  





I've had bald spots, too, plus thinning all over. I used Joan Rivers Great Hair Day fill-In powder to cover the bald spots (alopecia areata) on my scalp. But I would still get a diagnosis if you can.


I've had hair thinning issues my whole life. The only thing that has made a significant improvement in the amount of hair on my head is using a hair growth laser device. I own two kinds. One is a Hairmax comb and the other is a CapillusPro cap. I wouldn't go without them.


Here's the fill-in powder I used for many years until my hair grew back:

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@hick wrote:

I have (unfortunately) had fine, thin hair all my life as did both my parents.

The older I get, the thinner my hair gets.  I now have bald spots on the back of my head Smiley Sad

Other than a wig, what suggestions do you have?

@hick   I can relate.  Mine got worse w/some medications I have to take.  I do use Minoxidil, but I don't think it really does much.  I wash my hair every other day and use cool water.  I use products.........Nick Chavez plump/thick, Redken Anti-snap conditioner, Matrix mousse, rough paste and hair spray. 


I understand what you are going thru.  Some days I give up, others i get frustrated!

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I agree with @SilleeMee  I use all the products that she uses. I  know they have helped me.


I also started using Dove's anti-breakage shampoo & conditioner. I like it but really can't tell if it works.





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@hick Do you have Thyroid levels checked regularly?



Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,003
Registered: ‎05-04-2020 you still have strands of hair on the bald spots?  Have you tried Toppik, it's a hair building fiber that you sprinkle on the thinning spots to help cover the bald, thinning areas on your head.

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Toppik or XFusion fibers can make all the difference in the world. same product made by same company just marketed under a different name. I get the best deals on Ebay, usually on XFusion. 

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In addition to the suggestions here, ask your doctor to test your Vitamin D and iron levels. These aren't on standard bloodwork. Mine were both low, and once I started to take the supplements at the strength my doctor directed, my hair has improved a lot.

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Registered: ‎02-19-2014

Biotin supplements. And a weekly scalp "descaling" treatment mask followed by a daily caffeine shampoo or treatment. Doing all that, I have more hair now than I did when I was younger.


I use Kundal caffeine shampoo (because it comes in really nice scents). And occasionally Plantur 39 caffeine treatment. Both from Amazon.

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