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Finally getting help for my irritable bowel syndrome

Had an initial consult yesterday with a gastroenterologist (consult was one hour with a PA). I am relieved to know that she does not suspect anything major is wrong with me. She will be doing some tests to rule out a couple of things, but it’s going to be a process of a combination of things. Will be doing more diet elimination and a look at the FODMAP, but I am excited that I will be on the road to healing and gaining back my warrior strength that seems to have slipped away in the last 6months.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Finally getting help for my irritable bowel syndrome

@joannechai hope you find help and get that under control.It is a tough problem to have.

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Re: Finally getting help for my irritable bowel syndrome

I'm glad you're getting help.  In my experience, IBS is the diagnosis of last resort.  When the gastro eliminates all other possibilities, he/she calls it "IBS" and you head down the path of identifying what doesn't agree with your system.

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Re: Finally getting help for my irritable bowel syndrome

Not sure what your symptoms ae, but I've had symptoms similar to IBS.  What seems to be working the best for me is to drink a glass (at least 8 oz) of Metimucil after the evening mean.  Evidently, I've needed more fiber.  A friend of mine told me this morning that she cut out caffeine and things improved greatly.  Good luck to you.

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Re: Finally getting help for my irritable bowel syndrome

@joannecha wrote:

Had an initial consult yesterday with a gastroenterologist (consult was one hour with a PA). I am relieved to know that she does not suspect anything major is wrong with me. She will be doing some tests to rule out a couple of things, but it’s going to be a process of a combination of things. Will be doing more diet elimination and a look at the FODMAP, but I am excited that I will be on the road to healing and gaining back my warrior strength that seems to have slipped away in the last 6months.



@joannecha  I am surprised that a colonscopy was not ordered,  otherwise how would one know exactly what the issue was.  Symptoms are similar to other conditions, I believe.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Finally getting help for my irritable bowel syndrome

@joannecha How is it going with your search for help with ibs?I hope you have found something that works for your symptoms.My sonar former gf had that and she was never able to get it under control and was always on the fodmop eating plan.My son used to grind up rice and mix it with water to make a pancake for her to roll up the chicken in for lunches at work.It was a really difficult and limited diet.

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Posts: 944
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Finally getting help for my irritable bowel syndrome

@Krimpette - while I was in college, I was diagnosed with IBS. I had a wonderful gastroenterologist who prescribed Metamucil every day explaining it would pretty much take care of most symptoms. It did and does. I’ve taken Metamucil, drinking lots of water with it for more than 30 years now. I cannot be without. It works.