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Re: Fibroids, bleeding after Menopause

On 1/17/2014 donor said:

Following up as I promised. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} Saw Gyno yesterday and fibroids and uterine lining are unchanged but now there is a polyp. I decided to have D&C in two weeks and he will remove polyp hopefully at that time. I have never had kids so dilating my cervix is a challenge, sorry for TMI but it's my reality. Seems all of this is made worse by being on hormones...which I need to be for several reasons including osteoporosis. I know it's a controversial topic but was the right choice for me. He touched on hysterectomy but for me, at this point, I am just going ahead with this procedure and waiting a while longer to see if the bleeding returns. He is not concerned at all about cancer, which I was so lucky to hear. Thank you all again for the good thoughts. xo


All the best to you Chris, no one ever told me all that the "change of life" could bring, sounds like a lot of us have gone thru some very scary moments....I also have had no kids & imagine I would be a challenge in any test, not TMI, thank you for sharing

we will be here holding your hand & wishing for all the best for you & treat yourself to something nice after all this, you deserve it!

Posts: 41
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Fibroids, bleeding after Menopause

D & C done this am and I am happy it's over. I guess it is just more difficult to do on a woman who has never had kids as the cervix is very tight. He is hopeful he got the polyp out as it was pretty small but even if he didn't he said not to worry. They are not like a colon polyp....which can often lead to cancer. I find out the results next Thursday but he was very sure things would be clear. Now I wait until April for my next bone density test to see if I can get off the hormones as the doctor is sure that would lessen the incidences of bleeding and stop new polyps as all if this is estrogen related. Thank you all again for your sweet supportive thoughts.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Fibroids, bleeding after Menopause

Chris, thanks for the update. The doctor sounded very reassuring. Good Work!

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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: Fibroids, bleeding after Menopause

Glad you got the D&C done, Donor. The waiting for test results is the worst part, but it sounds like you can look forward to a good report.