WW has always worked for me, when I followed the program.
I rejoined for the online program on July 2nd, and am very pleased with my results.
The WW app is a wealth of information, and very user friendly.
You have choices about the program you prefer, depending on individual lifestyles.
I chose the green plan, and have 30 points each day to use. This plan is the most accountable one out of the three, which works for me.
WW has never been about unlimited food groups. Some take the zero points for chicken, eggs, beans, and fruit as a green light to eat endlessly. Not the case, but some people can practice portion control without entering these foods on the app. I am not one of those people, and so the green plan does have points assigned for these foods.
WW prompts me each week on Monday morning to weigh in. The app keeps track of my weight, and I have received 3 awards in the mail so far.
I have lost 26 pounds following this plan since July 2nd, and my plan is to follow the maintenance part of the WW program soon. This is a program for a lifetime.