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A chest cough became increasing making it difficult to breathe and finally made a trip to the emergency clinic....I was put on a breathing machine and took a chest X-ray. I was prescribed ProAir Puff, azithromycin 250mg 6-pak,and prednisone 10 mg. He wanted to admit me into the hospital and I ask if there was any alternative. He said if I took the meds, checked in tomorrow for another breathing treatment and status check was that or the hospital and wasn't thrilled with me choosing to come home.

I am nervous about taking steroids, but I will follow directions. Has anyone experienced a similar protocol? Thanks for any feedback.

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I have had similar prescriptions in the past when I had a persistent cough that was progressively worsening. I, too, was very nervous about the steroids but I felt so awful that I just did what the doctor recommended. My experience was positive--everything helped with time and following doctor's orders. I hope that you feel better soon and everything turns out well. Take care of yourself!

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I have taken them before when I was very ill and they helped me tremendously. I hope you feel better soon!

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In an emergency, I do what the dr. says and then research it after I feel better and can talk to my primary.

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10mg is a very small dosage, when I get bronchitis I usually start ad 40MG for 4 days and tape down.

My only advise it take it early in the day

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Don't be afraid of the steroids. I promise you will feel so much better. If you chest X was bad enough for hospitalization, it's imperative that you take them to reduce the inflammation. You will breathe so much easier and be able to get the rest you need.

You may have trouble laying down flat in bed. If you can, elevate your head a bit with extra pillows. I've spent more than one night in my recliner because I couldn't get comfortable and breathe laying down flat.

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Thanks so much for the response and well wishes. It makes me less nervous to hear your positive response re the steroids. I'm trusting I'll be well soon, I really appreciate your feedback. I am still oxox.....I'm taking 40 mg also, I am getting ready to take them and have to take 4 10mg for the first 3 days.

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I've taken prednisone for respiratory infections. My experience was I became edgy after a few days but I was fine once the dose tapered off. Honestly, if a doctor wanted to admit me I would have stayed in the hospital. I hope you've got someone with you. Make sure you follow up tomorrow.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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Do what the Dr says. That's why they are the Dr.

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A short course of steroids doesn't have the same drawbacks as being on them long-term, and steroids do wonders to reduce the inflammation and swelling in your airway that are making it hard to breathe. Having difficulty breathing is no joke, and it sounds to me like the doctor did exactly the right things. Be sure and follow up as directed, and hope you feel better fast! Don't hesitate to go to the ER if you don't improve or if you get worse.