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Yes, I have had to follow this same course of action several times when I have been quite sick with either severe bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia.

The only difference for me would be the type of antibiotics and the dose/course of steroids. I have asthma, and it's not unusual for me to have a cold move into my chest, and then turn into bronchitis or pneumonia.

I hope that you feel better soon!

Posts: 52
Registered: ‎12-27-2011
I hope you are better. Please follow up, your lungs are precious. I never quite understand why people go to the ER and then don't listen to the doctor... If he wanted you to stay I would have. But making the decision you did, at least follow doctors advice by following up.
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My son had asthma as a child and was on steroids MANY times. It really is a wonder drug and as others have said, if you take them for a short time and taper off, there should be no problem.

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Thanks for your comments...I finally got a good night's sleep last night and followed the Dr's directions re the meds. I was also told if I woke up with the same breathing constriction to go to the ER immediately. I will follow up with the visit he recommended. I was so concerned about negativity that I had heard re steroids, but knew I had no choice. Posters have shared that you have not had negative reactions to short term courses of this drug. I feel much better already being able to breathe and having got some sleep. Thank you so for the response.

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I have also taken a brief course of steroida for severe chest congestion, and had only good results. Hope you're feeling better VERY quickly!
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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

SISTER!! got it bad! I had the walking pneumonia several yrs's one of the worse-feeling times in my life. Take the steroids...that's the key to get your healing started. Try sleeping on an elevated wedge...makes the breathing easier. I'm assuming you're coughing up your shoes, yes? Steroids will help w/ that, as well. Sleep, sleep,'s a slow heal, so don't push yourself. Check in, promise? Love...Sidsmom

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Did he say you had pneumonia?

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On 2/7/2015 phoenixbrd said:

Thanks for your comments...I finally got a good night's sleep last night and followed the Dr's directions re the meds. I was also told if I woke up with the same breathing constriction to go to the ER immediately. I will follow up with the visit he recommended. I was so concerned about negativity that I had heard re steroids, but knew I had no choice. Posters have shared that you have not had negative reactions to short term courses of this drug. I feel much better already being able to breathe and having got some sleep. Thank you so for the response.

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. It's scary to take meds you hear bad things about, but are often left with no other choice and it all ends out working out for the best.

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You didn't state what is was that you heard about steroids that scared you. Did you tell the ER doc that you were afraid to take Prednisone? Did you ask the ER doc what the possible side effects would be at the dose you were given?

I understand that you are quite ill and suffering. But next time have a conversation with yourself to remember to ask the doctor questions you may have about any drug or procedure. This should take most of the fear and anxiety out of the situation for you, as the last thing you need when you're quite ill is a spell of anxiety over a drug that is going to do you a world of good, but for which you have only fear.

I pray you are beginning to feel a wee bit better now and that your body will begin to mend.

God Bless - R

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Posts: 12,295
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Thanks sister Sid, Collie Mom, and SFN...I am feeling a bit better being able get some sleep and the meds have kicked in. Yes, SFN the doc was well aware of my inclination to not take drugs and especially unhappy with the steroid. But he showed me the X-ray and the low oxigenation level and told me he would prefer hospitalization. He released me after the breathing treatment only on the condition I would return this weekend for further treatment and status update, I would take the meds, and go to the hospital if the lack of breathe continued. The steroid is making me a bit jittery, but I am breathing better and the coughing not quite so intense. It is raining outside and I will make the promised visit to the ER tomorrow.