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On 8/15/2014 Goldreich said:

Beware of using Chantix, it's an antidepressant and you have to take it for months for it to be effective for quiting smoking. I had three family members use it and none of them quit but, the anger and lingering effects of Chantix--which is actually Welbrutrin can be hard to get off of and you suffer the side effects long after the drug is over.

I have used Blu an E cigg for a couple of years. I haven't quit smoking with it but, I have reduced the amount of cigarettes I smoke on a daily basis.

You can get E Cigs at the local drug store now and many sites claim there brand is the best, do a search for E cigs and you will have many choices.

My brother died of lung cancer in 2009, I thought for sure that would catapult me into finding a way to put them down but, instead the sorrow and bereavement made me smoke more. I wish I had an easy answer for you; I don't- but my lung doctor tells me the easiest way to quit it to Don't BUY THEM.

Chantix is not Wellbutrin. And having used Chantix to quit smoking myself, you do not have to take it for months to quit smoking. Actually I only used it for about a week to get over the hump, when first quitting which to me is the hardest part. And it is not hard to get off of at all, it isn't habit forming nor is it like an anti antidepressant which you are to wean yourself off of as you quit.

I think the OP deserves to have accurate information in her journey to quit those nasty things.

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If you truly use them to quit and do it in a relatively short amount of time, I would give it try. Regular cigarettes are dangerous s aren't they? You won't smell like cigarettes either which after a while you will start to notice really stink. I think it's worth a try. I quit cold turkey in 1983 and I have to say quitting is never easy, but it is well worth it.
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Registered: ‎06-26-2014

If an area is designated NO Smoking, are E-cigarettes allowed?

We were at a restaurant, on the patio, and 2 women at the next table started smoking these. No one said a word.

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Luvpoos, do you mind me asking how long you have smoked? I have smoked since my late teens and I am in a similar situation. I tried hypnosis, the patch and now she cigs I quit at one point or would have one or two a day. Lately I've been under extreme stress and I'm smoking again. I know I have to quit but I'm really struggling. I was using the blue cigarette which costs $10 and I get it at the corner store. Most retailers carry them now.
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On 9/28/2014 beaches21 said: Luvpoos, do you mind me asking how long you have smoked? I have smoked since my late teens and I am in a similar situation. I tried hypnosis, the patch and now she cigs I quit at one point or would have one or two a day. Lately I've been under extreme stress and I'm smoking again. I know I have to quit but I'm really struggling. I was using the blue cigarette which costs $10 and I get it at the corner store. Most retailers carry them now.

I have been smoking for about 35 years. Didn't try the e-cigs yet. I doing what I did when I was pregnant. It involves slowly weaning yourself off. Write down every time you have a cigarette, you have to wait 15 minutes after you eat before you can have one, by that time the urged had passed. Same with having a cup of coffee. Change to a brand you don't like. I smoke menthol so I switch to regular. That way the cig is not as enjoyable. It was the only program that was successful for me. Then stupid me, I went back to smoking after having my baby. Good luck and wishing you success.

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I have tried several of the top rated brands of e-cigs, and the best I found was Halo. I started with the full flavor and after a year, I am down to the next to nothing nicotine. They have a great money back guarantee, so it's worth a try! Good luck! Oh.......and the best "flavors" in Halo are Tribeca and Malibu!

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Registered: ‎10-21-2011

I'm not sure where you can buy e-cigs, but I've seen them in dollar stores and there are online shops totally devoted to them. From what I understand, you have to try a few to see what "flavor" appeals to you.

I had a real laugh; my part time assistant is a smoker and it's very disruptive; she goes out for a smoke, I'm tied up and the phone rings---and she's hired mostly to answer the phone. I can't stand having three lines lit up and no one answering. I told her if she wanted more work from our group, she had to consider stopping as it's viewed as a detractor.

So she comes in last time and tells me she's stopped smoking! Yay! And her clothes didn't smell, that's for sure (I have asthma and bad allergies and I am sensitive.) So this is going well, but she's going out for breaks...she is using e-cigs. So, the good news, no odor, the good news, she's not coughing as much (no particulates in e-cigs) but bad news, she's still addicted to nicotine.

Still, I think for tapering off, one could use the e-cig and lower the nicotine slowly. The only problem is that the habit of puffing is still enforced. As someone once said, you only stop smoking ONCE. If you can't, the e-cigs seem to be less smelly.

Posts: 73
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

I quit smoking almost a year ago (Oct 27th) by using e-cig's. I had tried several times in the past, had quit for months at a time and always went back to it. I realize e-cigs may not be the "best" thing in the world, but for me, they were a God send. I had smoked for more than 30 years. I had tried the patch, gum, lozenges, hypnosis, lots of ineffective (for me) products, but this time I know I will do it. My sense of smell and taste is so much better than it has ever been. There are many e-cig stores you can go in and try the flavors, the people in these stores are extremely helpful to get you started if that's what you choose. I am so happy to be a non-smoker, don't miss the expense or the stink or the mess of regular cigarettes. I plan on eventually weening myself off of the e-cigs, but for now, this is the best option for me. I am very thankful to have found these!