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No, my doctors and dentist automatically wash their hands.

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@Lucky Charm  You brought up a really good point about the switches. I'm going to pay close attention next week when I have my teeth cleaned! And, I'll ask questions if it looks unsanitary in any way. Hope it doesn't, but if I do ask questions I'll report back next week.

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All the doctors I’ve been to always wash their hands in front of me.

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I was pleasantly surprised recently when a doctor wiped off the end of the stethoscope (diaphram?)  with an alcohol wipe before placing it on my chest.


I agree with @Lucky Charm  it was always the random stuff that gives me pause, like a BP cuff.    Most of the time it's placed over clothing but not every time

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I am one that has no issue of speaking up when I feel it is necessary. Also not someone that sees germs in every thing that is around me. 


No, I personally do not see the purpose of asking that question. I trust those whom I see for medical purposes do what is deemed necessary and follow the correct medical protocols.






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My doctor always walked in the door wiping his hands together with that hand sanitizer which IMO is not enough. They should be washing their hands when they come in so you can see it. You should not have to ask but you do.

If I was in the hospital you can bet I would be asking. I'm sure they don't like it.

My dads 2nd wife died of MRSA in the hospital because the staff was not washing their hands like they should.

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@PamfromCT wrote:

On the same topic of concern, if one calls my doctor’s office with a bad cold or other like symptoms, you will be told you must agree to wear a face mask when you enter the waiting room before your appointment.



They have that sign on the window when you check in at our doctors office. I have seen several wearing them. If I have to see the doctor & they are sick enough to wear those I will wait in the lobby for my appt. They can text me. I'm not sitting in a room full of sick people.

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@MomCat wrote:

The doctors I've gone to, and their staff, usually take care of hand cleansing in front of me.  Even my eye doctor hits the hand sanitizer before he even shakes hands with me.  If I had any doubt that these people were not doing everything possible to not spread germs, I wouldn't be going there. 



They always want to shake your hand I hate doing that. You know they have touched every sick patient that has been in that day. When I'm finished I go straight to the bathroom & wash my hands. I use my shirt to open the door so I don't pick up any germs on my way out. I wash my hands again when I get home.

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Re: Dr. Visit question

[ Edited ]

@Lucky Charm wrote:

I think I get more skeeved out at the dentist.  Seriously.


I just had the Xrays done.  She assembles or whatever to put those darn things in your mouth, with her hands in your mouth.  Of course, she has clean gloves on the whole time.  Fine.


But then she leaves and hits that switch.  !!!


So my mouth germs are now on that switch, the last person's mouth germs are on that switch.  Everybody's mouth germs are on that switch.


Same for the over head light. 


I know they wipe everything down, but do they always wipe the handle when they manuever the light around and then go poking around in your mouth?  Probably not.


And when they are examining your teeth and gums, of course everything is on a computer.  So they are hitting the keyboard with gloves on.


But my mouth germs are on that keyboard now and so are everyone else's.  !!!


Stuff like that just skeeves me out.  That's directly going in to your mouth.  Whatever hasn't been wiped down, autoclaved or otherwise sterilized.

@Lucky Charm 


Sounds like you think like I do. LOL!!!

Same thing happens when you go out to eat or get fast food. Most don't have a clue why they are wearing those gloves. Kids asked why they are wearing them said to keep my hands clean. That would be a big fat NO. I'm surprised more people do not get sick eating from fast food restaurants. I have seen them frying burgers with gloves on only to come up to get payment for food & go back to cooking after touching all that dirty money with the same gloves on. GROSS!!!

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I don't have to ask.  There's a sink in every exam room and all the doctors I see, and I see a lot, all go over to the sink and wash their hands when they enter the room.  Depending on what they are doing, they put gloves on.  However, all my doctors are in the same group practice that has a couple of hundred physcians so when it comes to such things, they think more like hospitals.