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@VaBelle35 wrote:

This is a new model of  care that many doctors are moving to.


We have a few practices like this in my area.


I like the idea, but I don't have any issues that requires me to sign up.  But if I did, I might.



The main thing keeping me from signing up right now is paying the $75 per month for nothing. LOL!!!

I only go to the doctor once per year.

If I did not take thyroid mediction I doubt I would ever go.

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Regarding right to sue, almost every medical practice has an arbitration clause.  If he's smart and I am sure he is, you are probably agreeing to go to arbitration in the event of a dispute. 



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Concierge medicine.  It's been around a while - at least 10 years that I know of, probably longer.  So many doctors are being suffocated by insurance companies.

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Several clinics in Lincoln have been doing this for about two years. So far, it has been very successful for both the physicians and the patients. I do think private insurance is coming for all of us in the future. The Insurance Companies have priced themselves out of the market of group policies.

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This idea is not for everyone, but you are paying $7200 per year for a “just in case” situation. Plus, you must pay the deductible before it kicks in?

So, what is your total vs paying out of pocket?


Maybe the “catastrophic” type insurance plan would be better?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@LTT1, I would love a catastrophic plan if it were available here.  The only thing available here are the ACA plans which, by law, must cover everything whether I need that care or not.  Prior to ACA and before my husband retired we were on what was termed a high deductible plan which WAS $6500/person but the premium was much lower.  I have no problem paying for my maintenance out of pocket.  Even those freebies we were supposed to get end up not being free because the doctor uses an out-of-network lab for the pap smears or an out-of-network doctor to read the mammogram.  And there's no way to find out what labs or doctors might be in-network for that.  Sure, you can look for in-network doctors, but that means you have to know what doctors are on the list at the mammogram facility first.  Even knowing what facility might be in-network is a problem.  It's not on the webpage and even when I called customer service they couldn't tell me.  But, I digress.

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I was on an ACA plan before retiring (now on MEDICARE). 

I don’t know the newer situation, but in our area, in the past when we were using private insurance, we started specifying up front that we would only have the procedure if “in network” providers were used.


It was always tricky, because at first, yes the main doctor was, but let’s say, the anesthesiologists were not and we would get a bill.


I also cannot imagine the company you use does not have an online, in-network provider search?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@LTT1 wrote:



I was on an ACA plan before retiring (now on MEDICARE). 

I don’t know the newer situation, but in our area, in the past when we were using private insurance, we started specifying up front that we would only have the procedure if “in network” providers were used.


It was always tricky, because at first, yes the main doctor was, but let’s say, the anesthesiologists were not and we would get a bill.


I also cannot imagine the company you use does not have an online, in-network provider search?

@LTT1, my provider is BCBS, but they have different plans depending on if it's open market vs employer-provided, and what might be in-network for one may not be in-network for the other.  If I put Mammogram in the search bar I get nothing.  When I went to get my Mammo I told them the doctor needed to be in-network and they just kinda looked at me.  The website said I needed to use an in-network facility but nowhere does it tell you what facilities are in-network.  I even called them and the only info the CS girl could give me was the exact same info I found on their webpage.  Sure, I can look up in-network primary care physicians and specialists, but that's different than looking up labs and the doctors that read mammograms. 

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Oh yes, I see what you mean. 

You sure are paying a lot. Those medical personnel should be kissing your feet!


Stay well!❤️

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@LTT1, those medical personnel have no idea what I pay.  Ha ha.  I'm doin' my best to stay well since I sure can't afford to get sick.  Affordable care?  That's a joke.