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Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

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Doctors are cautioning about not keeping up with preventative tests and screenings after virus lock downs.


I held back on a colonoscopy, but it's off my list now.


Are you behind schedule?

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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

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@ECBG Do you by chance mean a colonoscopy? I only ask as I didn't think a colostomy was something you should put off.

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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

@Love my grandkids 


Yes, thank you..  Spell check was an idot!

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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

I never stopped doing anything that I normally do for my health. Kept up with all of my appts, tests, etc. I never let covid rule me. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

@ID2 wrote:

I never stopped doing anything that I normally do for my health. Kept up with all of my appts, tests, etc. I never let covid rule me. 

Same here.....

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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

Two of my brothers have had colon cancer. It's rampant on both sides of my family.  A colonoscopy is one test I never put off. I had one 3 weeks ago and am all clear for 5 years. 

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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

The one thing I put off was my dental cleaning, and it was only behind two months when they were closed. Every other test went on as scheduled because offices had opened up by then. Every place was taking precautions, so that wasn't an issue for me. 

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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs



During the height of the pandemic, if the "retail" store was "essential." I was right there front & center w/gloves, masks, face shield!  I was a walking condom.  I never go got so much as a sniffle.  I even went to my car dealership for it's quarterly inspection.  Because I did, I now have been receiving Netflix for free for 2 yrs now on the dealership's dime.

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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

I was able to keep up on all my yearly/semi yearly screenings--next one is in June--maybe last oncology check after 10 years!!Woman Very Happy

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Re: Doctors Urge People To Get Screening After COVID Lock Downs

We are somewhat on schedule with everything here.  What's lagging are appointments that were rescheduled by the physicians for one reason or another.  DH colonoscopy had to be moved from February to April due to a major snowstorm.   Other than that we braved it all too.   


@Mz iMac A walking condom!!  That was hilarious Smiley Happy