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Do you have brusing going on?

I have a relative who for the last few years can have a bruise show up and not even know how it got there. They can be on the hand, fairly large and not even know how it got there or how it was done. It doesn't hurt.


If you've been through it or having it going on, can you share please? I wonder if it's a vitamin deficiency. 

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Re: Do you have brusing going on?

This happened to my mother when they were giving her blood pressure/blood thinning meds.



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Re: Do you have brusing going on?

Yes, I had some unexplained bruising, mostly on my knuckles. I do take several supplements and I wondered if one or more of them could be the reason for bruising. Did some research and discovered that the cinnamon (cassia variety) contains coumarin and that it can interfere with the normal blood clotting process because it affects the liver where the whole process starts. I am not taking any rx blood thinners either, like Coumadin or Warfarin.


I no longer take the cinnamon supplement and now I don't have the bruising anymore. Now I wonder how much liver damage I have from that cinnamon.

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Re: Do you have brusing going on?

You didn't say how old this person is.  My mom, in later years, bruised very easily - she would just bump herself and get a bruise or a large red blood like spot would come to the surface.  She was a smoker and I think it had a lot to do with her condition (emphysema). 

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Re: Do you have brusing going on?

I occasionally get bruises and have no idea how they got there and they don't hurt.  Usually someone else points them out.

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Re: Do you have brusing going on?


I can't remember a time in most of my adult life when I didn't have bruises of an unknown origin. Have them now on my left arm, hand and on my right foot. 


Part is because of my activities, but I think most is because I am a klutz. I wouldn't​ even attempt an answer to how or why others get bruises on their body. From all the blood tests I seem to have on a fairly regular basis, I know mine are not from a deficiency.


Now when I was on blood thinners for over 7 years? I bruised much more than any time in my life. I think that pretty much was the effect of the Coumadin/Warfarin. 


Never hurts to mention this to ones doctor for sure.





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Re: Do you have brusing going on?


OT, but are you left-handed? There seems to be a correlation between left-handedness and being a klutz. Woman Very Happy

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Re: Do you have brusing going on?

I was born left handed, but my mother switched to me early on.


I take a lot of supplements that may thin the blood and I get a lot of bruises of unknown origin.  Mainly it's because I am moving too fast and focused on the goal and don't pay attention when I bang into something.  Later on I may have a vague recolllection of banging into the dishwasher door or a square pillar at work.


Most heal very quickly now.  I had one that took more than 2 years to completely fade and go away.  It looked like I kept re-injuring it based on where it was on my leg.

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Re: Do you have brusing going on?

I am not on blood thinners and I get bruises too often on my arms to suit me. I have started noticing that when I walk around my house, especially around corners, I bump into the wall. Sometimes I will even bump into the edge of a closet door. My doctor told me that as I age my skin is getting thinner. They look so awful that I wear long sleeves until they go away.

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Re: Do you have brusing going on?

I have had that issue my entire life.  No doctor has ever come up with an answer and I just don't worry about it.