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@mac116 wrote:



When I was keeping track on My Fitness Pal, I ranged from 1200-1500 calories per day.  I stopped logging because I eat pretty much the same things each week. 

I did lose 18 pounds on MFP, but then hit a plateau for about 6 months, even lowering my calories, and/or upping my exercise.  That's where I am now, one year later (gained back 4 lbs.)

@mac116  That's a good range.  If you've kept off 14 lbs, that's wonderful.  Keep at it.... that's why I have a cheat day.  It lets me have fun, eat what I want and tricks my body so that it's not the same thing or calorie range every day.  Again,  it works for me but may not for everyone. 

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@mac116 wrote:



When I was keeping track on My Fitness Pal, I ranged from 1200-1500 calories per day.  I stopped logging because I eat pretty much the same things each week. 

I did lose 18 pounds on MFP, but then hit a plateau for about 6 months, even lowering my calories, and/or upping my exercise.  That's where I am now, one year later (gained back 4 lbs.)


I can relate to those plateaus.

I attacked them with little changes such as developing  "in bed exercises" and "kitchen" exercises.


Plus, if watching TV, I stood up and exercised from beginning to end of every commercial break.


On the stationary bike I did the (someone will remind me what this is called) speed pedal (anaerobic) for a minute alternating with several minutes of slower (aerobic)recovery pedalling.


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@Goldengate8361 wrote:

@FLGranny You will get many opinions - divergent opinions, too - about this in this thread. Cutting carbs (all carbs or as much as possible) is the foundation for a healthy diet and losing weight. I lost 90 lbs 8 years ago and have easily kept it off by eating super-low-carb (delicious food, too, by the way). My health markers (i.e. cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.) have all improved substantially by eating super-low-carb. I don't count calories at all--and I rarely exercise (although exercise is good for many, many reasons). I don't cheat. Moderation is not your friend.



I couldn't agree with you more.  I know so many people who eat this way and have lost lots of weight easily, kept it off, and improved their health.  For example no longer diabetic and no longer have high cholesterol.  And many doctors now recommend this type of eating. 

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One enjoyable aspect is to think carefully about what you LIKE.  Yes it does have to "healthy" however you choose to define it.  There are several opinions on this.  Then make sure to include it.

Any system that you don't like will be drudgery.


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I used WW digital and it works well. It really helps you to see where you're going off track especially if you think you've been doing pretty well. I had a bad habit of living off Lean Cuisines and finding out that my favorite took up about half my points for the day was a bummer.


I used the blue plan which I think is good for people hoping to not need to use WW forever. If you're good with eating veggies, fruit and proteins like fish and chicken it sets you up well if you leave WW. Unfortunately I'm not a huge fan of these items so I rejoin every once in a while to get myself in check. I started doing a lot of cheating last time I took a break from WW and for a while I got away with it. Of course that led me to cheat a bit more so I grabbed the QVC offer to get it in check again. Something about having to be accountable to the app helps.

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Diets really don't work long term. I have never been really fat, but have been over weight by 20 pounds at one time.  It's really about calories in and calories out when it comes to gaining and losing weight.You don't even have to follow a special diet,just eat a third of what you already eat and move more, you will lose the weight.

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@FLGranny Whatever motivates you!   My cousin joined WW and lterally gained 5 pounds the first week at her weigh in.  She continued on and lost 34 pounds in about 6 months but has left the class program and gained it all back..and then some........

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Well, I want to thank all of you that responded. My biggest problem is self control and I think if I was forced to be accountable for my food choices and exercise maybe I could stick to it better. Cost is kind of a factor, too. I’ve seen how much some of these programs are. I like the idea of that free app that can guide me as far as calories go. I guess I’ll try that first and see if I can stick with it. Thanks again and wish me luck!! I’ll keep you posted!!

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I've had some good results recently and people have noticed. It isn't a paid program. Basically, I know what healthy foods I like to eat so I'm more aware of choices. Decided to eat 250 fewer calories a day. I'm also burning 250 calories a day with exercise. Nothing strenuous, but movement. 3500 calories equal 1 pound. My goal is 1 pound a week. It becomes automatic. I also like to do an intermittant fast once a week. It's cleansing for me and I spend the day thinking about my goal. 


Good luck to you. Just find what works for you. Do something simple that makes sense. Stick with it.  


"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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@FLGranny wrote:

Well, I want to thank all of you that responded. My biggest problem is self control and I think if I was forced to be accountable for my food choices and exercise maybe I could stick to it better. Cost is kind of a factor, too. I’ve seen how much some of these programs are. I like the idea of that free app that can guide me as far as calories go. I guess I’ll try that first and see if I can stick with it. Thanks again and wish me luck!! I’ll keep you posted!!


Good luck with your choice @FLGranny . Most people have given you sensible advice regarding what works for them. I only disagree with the person who said moderation is not your friend. I've watched people eat, and those of normal weight, eat in moderation and put the fork down when full. Not me, I eat with my eyes (that looks so good) and clean my plate. Unfortunately, I'm not slender so don't do that!