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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.



I hope you get a clear report from your biopsies!  I am a member of the GERD, hiatal hernia and IBS club!  I have had all these things for so long that I can't even remember when I haven't had them!!! From what I read, you are very invested in your self-care and you are taking it on with a good and informed attitude!  I've learned over the years that it's important to keep up with the doctor's visits and what they have to say and follow their guidelines for care, but it's also very important to take your care into your own hands, as well!  


I have days where I feel pretty good and don't notice these issues much, but then there are other days where I quite honestly feel lousy!  I have tried to pinpoint exactly what makes me feel crummy as to foods, but it doesn't seem to be anything in particular for me.  I can eat very benignly and feel horrible and then I can eat foods which are known culprits and feel absolutely fine!  Hopefully, you will be able to ascertain foods which trigger your symptoms.  I am on two meds - one in a.m. and one in p.m.  I take Floristor  2x a day, which is a probiotic recommended by my gastro dr.  I still am not 100%.  


I do what others here do --- try to eat smaller meals, avoid heavy, greasy foods, sleep propped up, don't eat late at night, avoid spicy or hot foods.  I personally don't do caffeine and rarely eat chocolate.  Also, alcohol is very rare.  I also avoid carbonated drinks.  I try to drink a lot of water and I try to walk as much as I possibly am able.  This goes without saying --- stress is no good.  Trying to relax and keeping calm is good, but this is not always possible.  


I am sending good wishes for your health!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@AngelPuppy1 : Thank you. Wishing you success with your health journey. I am also the caregiver of my precious DH. He is retired military with PTSD , memory issues and several other health issues. This keeps me busy. Plus in the process of trying to get his RX transferred to another pharmacy because Tricare no longer accepted at WalMart. I have to be proactive about my health. Currently 67 years old and was a premature baby with Cerebral palsy. I had really bad crohns in 1996 and was on high doses of steroids for a long time and that made my issues with my eyesight and joints much worse.I use a stand up walker for mobility. I am struggling with my weight and have loss about 25 pounds. I am blessed with no issues with cholesterol, high blood pressure, nor diabetes.

I just called my gastro doctors office. The lady that I talked with didn't see any test results on line and stated she will send a message to them to call me. 
I am still trying to do a lot of research and reading as much as possible. Taking notes but still confused about a few things.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.



You certainly have a lot going on!  I admire your desire to take charge of your health situation and learn all that you can.  In this day and age, we have to be our own advocate!  You sound like a strong person and I'm sure that you have the strength and perserverance to handle all that is sent your way!  At times it seems overwhelming, I'm sure! Your DH is blessed that he has such a wonderful and caring partner!  I'm sure your tests will come out fine.  You just keep that fighting spirit going!  My blessings to you and your DH!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@AngelPuppy1 : Thank you. We have been through a lot but we know we are blessed.

The doctor called yesterday afternoon. That really suprised me because I thought his nurse would return the call. The doctor verified that the biopsy results were good and no areas of concern. He stressed to take the medicine every day and call if needed.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@SouthernBee wrote:

@AngelPuppy1 : Thank you. We have been through a lot but we know we are blessed.

The doctor called yesterday afternoon. That really suprised me because I thought his nurse would return the call.





"The doctor verified that the biopsy results were good and no areas of concern. He stressed to take the medicine every day and call if needed".






Glad to hear you doctor called with your biopsy report. I mentioned in 1 of my other posts that "if there something serious found in a biopsy, a reputable doctor would contact the patient, as quickly as possible".


It doesn't surprise me that your biopsy results "were good". What surprised me is why it took so long. Every Endoscopy I had after my 1st one, a biopsy was done. They were all early in the morning, and I always got the results from my Gastro Doctor the same day.


What medicine were you prescribed? 


Glad this turn out well for you with your biopsy.



hckynut  🇺🇸


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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.



That's awesome news!  Onward and upward!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Posts: 10,009
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@hckynutjohn : Thank you. The hospital gastroenterologist department just went through major changes with two of the best known doctors suddenly retired plus several more retired in January. Plus all the Covid related stuff. The doctor assured me that if it was something major a call would have been made the next day. My doctor has reached retirement age but trying to stay and see that the department is fully staffed. 
Medication changed to Pantoprazole Sod 40 MG. 
The cough is less. The acid taste is gone. Still trouble eating a few things. Still had trouble with green beans like they are too stringy and can't swallow them. Corn on the cob difficult to swallow. I have never been a fast eater but have slowed down and taking more time to cut food in smaller pieces and really chew. I am eating yogurt before taking my medicine and drinking more water. Thankfully only on three medications and one supplement. Determined to eat healthier and more exercise.