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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

Ok @Moonchilde, I would really love to be able to talk to you in private. Years ago, there were chat rooms: those were dispensed with.


Later, we would set up "disposable" e-mail addresses and talk to each other. Once we were comfortable that those responding weren't trolls, we could do what we wanted. I developed a close relationship with another viewer, and we would talk on the phone: we actually got to meet each other!  That was so cool!


Do you have any ideas?


Speaking of breakfast, I have not been so good on following what DE proclaimed to be The Golden Rule: eat within 1 hour of rising. 


I have never ever been good about that, but lately it has deteriorated into brunch or lunch....I don't know if that's a good thing.  I didn't change any foods, but I just got my labs, and my cholesterol went up, but my HDL's are high and my ratios are still good.


I remember when we first started this thread, there were a couple of people doing intermittent fasting.  I didn't throw that idea away because there was this English doc who cropped up with DM2 and used it to "reverse"  his DM-but I am pretty much in agreement with everybody here who says it can't be reversed.


Nobody knows, but maybe there is a period early in the disease where it can be....but who knows?



I have absolutely no proof of what I'm about to say...but I think I might have decreased resistance.  It could be because of any number of things...but I've had a few no-nos in no small amounts, and my posts were normal-like in the 90's....alas, I realize that can be a slippery slope for somebody who has had an emotional and wreck less history with food!


At any rate, aside from som ditzy things-muscle and foot spasms.....increasing incontinence, I am enjoying life.


Cherry is on my mind. Yesterday I cruised "Among Friends"- no sign....I have an attachment to her-and we all know how she feels about her Faith.  For her to be silent this time of year.....I'm worried.


Have a great day! 

Moonchilde, are California farmers voicing any optimism? For right now, things are looking ominous for ours: we are supposed to get rain on Sunday....


Smiley Wink


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

Interesting: Last post, I was on my iPad and I posted an emoji, and it's not on my Kindle....


At any rate, I looked for luck.


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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

Morning, @Poodlepet2!


I'm off to PT in half an hour and then to just enjoy the sunshine - or whatever the weather is like in Monterey, it's sunny & breezy here.


The only way I can think of is to put up a disposable email address when we're both online & here, and then delete them ASAP; that's what others seem to do these days. It's the coordinating time that's tough - others might be taking note as well :-(


Wow, no one ever told me that golden rule. I doubt I've ever eaten within an hour of rising in my life. I'm one of those people who just can't eat until I've been "up" closer to between 2-3 hrs and if I'm forced to do it sooner I'm not enjoying a single mouthful and can hardly gag it down. It's an hour before I even want coffee.


Since the tooth business back in early December, I often have coffee but no food until 2 pm. And I'm not going low. I'm eating toast today because PT is from 11-12 and then I'm going elsewhere and most likely won't be able to eat until close to 2 pm.


As far as the fasting and "curing" - I'm assuming that anyone who is "cured" will end up back where they started if they start to eat anywhere near the average carb load an average person eats. I've read that the "cure" has been maintained for a year - but who knows what carb max these people are supposed to follow forever after to keep it that way? I know they don't have to do super-low forever, but I wonder just how low they have to stay, and how little going over that it would take to mess the "cure" up. That's just my cynical POV ;-)


From everything I've read, as we age, most T2's will need increased meds to keep their BGs in a good place. It's been termed a 'progressive' disease and it's what happens to most people. I'm happy to be where I am about 8 yrs after diagnosis - it could be worse! The only issue I have had is some neuropathy, but the acetyl l-carnitine & R-ALA have absolutely vanished that. I won't be without the former!


I can't know, but I suspect cherry may have had a relapse that required hospitalization. The last she posted, she really wasn't feeling much better after antibiotics than before. BTW - if you want to see if someone has posted anywhere on the forums, put "USER" in the box at the top of the page (instead of "COMMUNITY" and put in her name. It will bring up her profile and from that you can see her last post to the forums.


As far as California agriculture, the heavy rains and flooding in my area damaged a lot of crops and some were just lost. But in the Central Valley, I'm thinking things will be great for them. Most of the state's irrigation water comes from the Sierra snow pack, which should be amazing this year.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

You never know what you've been handed. I've met a number of people who've had T2 for 20-30years....and they are still at 500mg met a day-and normal A1cs....I consider that pretty good!


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

[ Edited ]

Just a thought, @Poodlepet2 and @Moonchilde, you could join a site like City Data which allows private messaging.  You'd have to post first to make the initial contact.  


I have always followed the eat-within-an-hour rule but I'm not convinced it really helps.  Dave Mendoza (I think I have that name right) is not a big believer in it.

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@tansy, that's a good idea. Since it seems as if Facebook links can be published here, what is the possibility of starting a group there and opening it for a few hours, then anybody wanting to join would have to be cleared?


@tansy, who is Dave Mendoza? I tried looking him up-well, there are a lot with his surname! Whose name happens to be....Dave....


I want to look up Dr. Bernstein this weekend. My DE's assistant is an RN and T2: she introduced me to this "Adapt Your Life" program some time ago, and I've seen mention of Bernstein. BTW: she wasn't going over DE's head: we were having a private conversation.


So @Moonchilde, yyou mean you don't stagger to the coffee pot first thing in the am Even my dogs know: "Don't ask Mom to play until she's had a few sips of coffee!"


Speaking of, it's time for another cuppa'! Boy, a doughnut would be great....but I am making my GFLC muffin and I am going to give it a cinnamon roll flavor: that will suffice!


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Registered: ‎01-02-2011

Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Poodlepet2 wrote:

@tansy, that's a good idea. Since it seems as if Facebook links can be published here, what is the possibility of starting a group there and opening it for a few hours, then anybody wanting to join would have to be cleared?


@tansy, who is Dave Mendoza? I tried looking him up-well, there are a lot with his surname! Whose name happens to be....Dave....


I want to look up Dr. Bernstein this weekend. My DE's assistant is an RN and T2: she introduced me to this "Adapt Your Life" program some time ago, and I've seen mention of Bernstein. BTW: she wasn't going over DE's head: we were having a private conversation.


@So @Moonchilde, yyou mean you don't stagger to the coffee pot first thing in the am Even my dogs know: "Don't ask Mom to play until she's had a few sips of coffee!"


Speaking of, it's time for another cuppa'! Boy, a doughnut would be great....but I am making my GFLC muffin and I am going to give it a cinnamon roll flavor: that will suffice!


Ay-yi.  Make that David Mendosa, @Poodlepet2.  😜

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Poodlepet2, most people on FB use their real names and identities. People would have to join a FB group as their "real self." I wouldn't do that and I don't think many would unless they are using a made-up profile. 


LOL I have "gimme coffee!" mornings and then I have mornings where I don't care.  Some mornings I feel like chai or hot choc in the colder months. Love my Keurig! This morning it's Starbuck's Creme Brulee. Other times I want coffee milk. I used to make my own cold brew concentrate (somewhat involved, messy) and just half & half it with whatever kind of milk. Very nice on hot days!


I had a $5 credit burning a hole, and Novica was doing a 15% off thing besides, so I ordered this box to hold...stuff, since my niece thinks my current box is amusing (white cardboard, lol). Hand carved in Bali, mailed from Bali.




I'll post a couple of pix of my day out yesterday, later.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

Beautiful box! I love wood from that region in the world....hand carving thrives!


The problem is, the wood isn't totally dry when they use it: it's ok in high humidity, but get it state side in cold dry winter air? It literally sounds like tree branches cracking!


Well, we all know I'm not technical, but I shy away from FB: DS is forward thinking and he uses it but he's much more tech savvy.


I love my Keurig too-and buy their brands as well as others.


Why is it that there are no laws about extract or flavoring...there are a few I've tasted sweetness: what are they using?


I love Toddy Coffee and it's time to start brewing again: it makes cheaper coffee taste great! When it gets hot, my drink is ice coffee, and it's perfect: a little milk and it tastes like something out of a chain coffee shop


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Moonchilde, gget your telephoto lenses out or whatever: tonight is the Myriad Meteor Shower. I think California can see it, but most of the country will. For once, we will be able to see it-that is, if smoke plumes and clouds stay away.
