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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

I'm not recommending or promoting any brand - the photos are from the "you'll find it everywhere" company. I used their products for years.


This is the meter & test strips I have currently used for several years. 



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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Imadickens, you and Cherry have a lot going on between thyroid and Diabetes!


I am by no means an expert, but I do know thyroid issues are a major illness. In spite of the instability of your situation, it sounds as if you are doing surprisingly well.


I know you didn't like the RD you saw, but now that you are a few weeks out and have had a little time to digest the news, could you possibly begin writing down questions and go back to her? I think you are probably going to have to rely on formal help that an RD can give-and because of thyroid hormone swings in your case, your diet is probably going to have to be altered depending on thyroid hyper/hypo activity. I know it's extremely frustrating for people in your situation.


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Poodlepet2 I'm trying to find another w/in a reasonable drive time. This woman's child and my daughter have an unpleasant history as does her husband and my husband. It is most likely MY problem, but I just can't get past it. Besides, I have heard from others that she's not very good at her job!

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Imadickens, a Certified Diabetes Educator might be what you need. They are comprehensive in their diabetes knowledge, they aren't simply dieticians - though they can advise about diet. They can show people how to test their BG, give them all the info we have all provided here, and much more. As I understand it from reading, insurance may or may not (but often does) pay for it if your doctor writes you a scrip for that person, i.e. no self-referrals.


You can see here if there's anyone near you, give them a call and if you like what you hear, tell your doctor you'd like to go to this person and ask for a referral to them.


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

I  have been using the OneDrop Chrome meter for a little over one month.  I have no idea if anyone is interested in this but here is what I have found:


For $39.95 per month (Less if subscribe to yearly plan)


  -I have access to a CDE at any time I need advice or questions.

  -latest news and research links sent to me

  -Unlimited test strips sent, shipped free.  (I am using 450 strips per month, so this saves me a lot of money.  I am on insulin as a Type 1 so this is very important to me.)

  -lots of recipes available (I follow low carb so I am always looking for something different and tasty)

  -The meter is very small and the results are lit so easy to see.

  -The data it provides is excellent.

  -Meter syncs with phone via Bluetooth. CDE via Wifi on phone, so it doesn't use any phone data or texts.

 -everyone working at the company has diabetes and uses the meter, and very familiar with PWD's concerns.


I am very happy with this service and will be subscribing to the yearly plan.


Just thought I would post in case anyone is interested in this and tests frequently or more than their insurance allows.


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

I started getting info on OneDrop in my FB feed a few months ago, and read up on it. It's not cost-effective, IMO, for anyone who doesn't test 4+ times per day. For anyone who has had diabetes for awhile, whose a1c is steady and who just doesn't need to test constantly, the kit is expensive and all that's provided is overkill - at least, for Type 2. Type 1 will always need mucho test strips.


However - for a brand-new diabetic who needs to learn everything from step one, and who will (theoretically) be testing nonstop, it's a good deal if you can afford it; it would indeed be cost-effective in those circumstances - IF you are paying for it all yourself. If insurance is paying for your diabetes supplies and you test 3X per day, your insurance will cover your needs for free or a co-pay.


There is another subscription meter & testing strip "service" at mydario dotcom. Their testing device must be used with an iPhone as the meter giving results - no Android app :-( 


They sell everything separately. The device is about the size of the Ultra Mini. Inside it are the strips and lancets  and there is a place to put the lancet to poke yourself. To get your reading, you have an app on your phone. There is a tiny attachment which plugs into older iPhones that have a headphone jack, the other end being where you put your test strip. They are in the process of doing one with a lightning plug for newer phones.


Right now the device is $30. The test strips are either pay as you like OR monthly sub. For me, I would do 50 strips/mo. and pay $75 for a 90 day supply; that's $25/mo and right on par with inexpensive drugstore strips. Or I could just order "as needed" and the cost would be slightly higher per strip.


The real advantage to the My Dario is only for iPhone users who like small, unobtrusive all-in-one on-the-go testing, and who don't test frequently. 


I'm "the other side of the coin" when it comes to testing. Any newly diagnosed T2 diabetic, or any T2 diabetic whose numbers are often fluctuating, should test as much as they can, as they're still learning. 


But if and when your a1c becomes stable over 2-3 of them, you're in a good place number-wise, and you pretty much know what triggers you and what doesn't - no real reason, IMO, to test every meal or food forever. 


My old boss was diagnosed about a month or two before I was. I would talk to her once in a while about testing, when I was testing religiously after every morsel of food. One day a few months on I mentioned something and she said she only tested once in a while, because her a1c's were very good, her diet didn't vary, so - no point.  It was another six months or so before I stopped testing constantly. Now, I let my a1c be my guide - it's good, I'm good. I test when I specifically want to know something - like how are my morning #s, or did my ER Metformin and the Prandin I took before my Thanksgiving dinner really cover me, kind of thing.


Just putting this out here to say that while new diabetics should test very frequently in order to learn, it doesn't mean that you'll necessarily "have to" always, down the road apiece.


And yes, OneDrop is GREAT for new diabetics IF you're "paying for your diabetes" on your own (and quite probably worth doing for the question-answering alone when you're new), but if your insurance is paying for regular meters & strips (no insurance pays for OneDrop or Dario), you don't really need to pay more than a co-pay. My ins happily paid for 100 strips/mo. If you really need more you can buy an extra 25/mo yourself. For anyone who has no insurance and/or is low on funds, going the CVS, Wal-Mart or Walgreens route with their materials is very cost-effective.


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@CatLoverDogsToo, thank you for sharing.  Something like this may help me if I have problems again as I had about a year ago.


Please visit-in Diabetic News, there is always news coming out about Type 1: this forum in certainly non-discriminating, and you have a lot of familiarity with the disease-various insulin and adjuncts ( although most adjuncts don't apply).


Start chiming in please!


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Poodlepet2 wrote:

@CatLoverDogsToo, thank you for sharing.  Something like this may help me if I have problems again as I had about a year ago.


Please visit-in Diabetic News, there is always news coming out about Type 1: this forum in certainly non-discriminating, and you have a lot of familiarity with the disease-various insulin and adjuncts ( although most adjuncts don't apply).


Start chiming in please!


@Poodlepet2 I just wonder how you and the other posters feel about giving a Type1 Trulicity off label. My endo is pushing it and since it is only for type 2, I just won't take it. It causes pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. I am sick to death where one practitioner has no idea what the other is doing. This stuff causes heart issues too and she seems to have forgotten I had a major heart attack last year. Now she claims ketoacidosis is more risky than the odds of getting cancer. My A1C has been elevated the past year after the heart attack. I gained weight from trying to add extra insulin and the more I gain, the more insulin necessary. I feel like throwing in the towel...

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Poodlepet2 wrote:

@CatLoverDogsToo, thank you for sharing.  Something like this may help me if I have problems again as I had about a year ago.


Please visit-in Diabetic News, there is always news coming out about Type 1: this forum in certainly non-discriminating, and you have a lot of familiarity with the disease-various insulin and adjuncts ( although most adjuncts don't apply).


Start chiming in please!


@Poodlepet2 I just wonder how you and the other posters feel about giving a Type1 Trulicity off label. My endo is pushing it and since it is only for type 2, I just won't take it. It causes pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. I am sick to death where one practitioner has no idea what the other is doing. This stuff causes heart issues too and she seems to have forgotten I had a major heart attack last year. Now she claims ketoacidosis is more risky than the odds of getting cancer. My A1C has been elevated the past year after the heart attack. I gained weight from trying to add extra insulin and the more I gain, the more insulin necessary. I feel like throwing in the towel...



@Trinity11, I don't know that any of us are qualified to have an opinion. But I think all of us are pretty leery of the newer 'pick an organ, any organ, and this drug will mess it up for you' drugs. 


It may be true that the risks are "low", but the doctor isn't the one dealing with the risks. Sometimes I think doctors, who should be using their knowledge to make wise decisions, are perfectly happy to use their patients as Pharma guinea pigs without an actual care about the patient and their history.

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Trinity11  the next time you go to see your endo take your information that you have found on the net with you


Since I have been ill ,my morning blood sugars have been very high. I don't know if I can get them back down again, so I understand your concern.  I haven't changed my diet if anything I am eating less carbs. I won't know much until I can get off prilosec


I had a problem with mine(endo) trying to give me statins but I held my ground.  I raally don't have an opinion about your case, but I will say, don't be pushed into anything you don't want to do


Talk to them and let them know why you are not onboard with this.