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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Poodlepet2 wrote:

@ID2, tthat you are just now having "problems" with cholesterol is phenomenal!  It sounds as if you have gone in the right direction-that's for sure.


May I ask how old you were when you were diagnosed? I have met Type I diabetics that had advanced vascular and vision complications in their teens.  It's a wicked disease, but the "kids" are famous for acting out and using their disease to manipulate...not all kids do-and for those who are unaware, you can crop up with Type I as an adult way past the teen years.


At any rate, "specialty camps" which are dear to my heart are such great places for kids with medical conditions. They have a place where they can go-find camaraderie-and be a kid.



I was diagnosed at age 20. I came down with a virus that completely destroyed my pancreas. So I went from being "normal' to being an insulin dependant type 1 diabetic in an instant. Yes, I'm sure its a lot more difficult being diagnosed at a young age. At least I "sowed my wild oats" and got it all out of my system by the time I was diagnosed. I was a newlywed when I found out also. My dh is my angel. He's saved my life more times than I'd like to admit. Thank goodness for him. Heart

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Trinity11  If Repatha ever becomes affordable, I will gladly give it a try.  I don't think insurance would even consider me ,being I don't have heart problems, and I am only borderline for cholesterol numbers


I do have scar tissue on my left upper arm muscle, from statin damage. It took me almost a year ,for the burning sensation of electricty ,shooting down my left arm ,to stop


I never had any problems with my legs.  I hope your symptoms don't last for long

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@cherry wrote:

@Trinity11  If Repatha ever becomes affordable, I will gladly give it a try.  I don't think insurance would even consider me ,being I don't have heart problems, and I am only borderline for cholesterol numbers


I do have scar tissue on my left upper arm muscle, from statin damage. It took me almost a year ,for the burning sensation of electricty ,shooting down my left arm ,to stop


I never had any problems with my legs.  I hope your symptoms don't last for long

It sounds like you had a form of neuropathy, cherry. Thank God, you found the cause and you discontinued the statin.

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Trinity11  When I was first on statins(simvastatin) I had no problem at all.  It happened to me out of the blue ,in an instant. My muscles contracted, and wouldn't expand again. I was up all night. I found a pain pill and got some relief from that.


I tried to take them again (tricor) ,a few years later and immediately  the electric burning  started up.  My Dr knows, I tried twice, and she tells me I am just not meant ,to tolerate the drug at all



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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@cherry wrote:

@Trinity11  When I was first on statins(simvastatin) I had no problem at all.  It happened to me out of the blue ,in an instant. My muscles contracted, and wouldn't expand again. I was up all night. I found a pain pill and got some relief from that.


I tried to take them again (tricor) ,a few years later and immediately  the electric burning  started up.  My Dr knows, I tried twice, and she tells me I am just not meant ,to tolerate the drug at all



I tried eleven years ago...Crestor and simvastatin and had pain. The Lipitor took a few months...I tried to ignore the pain but after being up all night I realize quality of life is more important for me than quantity. 


Cherry, your risk factors are far lower than mine. I would just do your best. For myself, I know I am high risk for another heart attack...I just pray that it won't happen and I take all the other meds prescribed.

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Trinity11  I pray you have a good outcome, also. Hang in there ,new methods and drugs ,come out all the time

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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@Melania wrote:

@Q4u wrote:

@ID2 wrote:

@cherry wrote:

@Trinity11  statins can  damage muscles and your heart is a muscle too


I am at the point in my health that my cholesterol is normal but my LDL levels are rising. Being a type 1 diabetic for many, many years my doctor has taled to me about putting me on a statin. Please talk to your doctor about statins. Don't believe the "negatives" on the internet. He told me that statins are an almost perfect drug for someone like me. He's told me repeatedly that if I was his wife, sister, relative he definitely would prescribe it. This "horrible" drug will definitely extend my life. Yay

I was on two types of Statins, the first one (Simvastatin for a year and a half).  I didn't know that the leg pains, aches, shooting pains and loss of muscle ability was due to this and when I told the doctor (my old doctor back in Ca) he poo-poo'd me.  It got so that I could not get up our Motorhome stairs (4 at the most) without help.  I thought it was the Statins doing it but heavily researched them at that point.  I titrated down myself and got off them.  My Statin induced 140 rose to 199 - 200.  I also read a lot about not everyone is unhealthy at 199.  


When we got to our new home my new doctor wanted me to try another Statin, one she said was manufactured differently and I probably wouldn't have any reaction to it.  I sure did!  Within a week and stopped taking the new drug.  I now take Stanols and it reduces my overall Cholesterol by about 10 - 15 points.  As far as these drugs are concerned, they may be the perfect drug for most of the population, but when they affect the small percentages that have a reaction... they are poison.


And btw, the damage they inflict can be permanent!  My muscle strength never came all the way back in either my hands or my legs.   Woman Sad

That's why it is recommended to take CoQ10 with it. It helps with the muscle pain. My doc told me about it.

Don't get a junky brand matters as with all supplements.


The benefit of taking the statin is far greater and why wouldn't one do it if there is a solution that is good for you as well?


Not you Trinity, but I will never understand those who don't bother to educate themselves about options to help. Blanket statements are not helpful. 



Yes, I took CoQ10 as I read about it in my research.... while it may have been helping my heart, it did nothing to stop the reaction I got from both statins I took.  I started the CoQ10 the last six months I was taking the Simvastatin and took the supplement from the moment I started the second statin with my new doctor.   It did nothing to stop the degradation of my muscles and did nothing to stop the pain.


If you were referring to me with the statement that you don't understand those who don't bother to educate themselves about options to help.... yes, I researched heavily.  And I'm good at researching and I understand the info I've been given.  And if that statement was for me.... reprimanding someone posting here is not helpful either..... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!



My Mom is no great cook, but being diabetic, has come up w/ this dessert/snack which was pretty satisfying:


1 small apple cored & little slice taken off top

Diet Coke




Place apple in microwavable disn. Pour 1/2 cup Diet Coke down inside of apple and the rest around it in the dish to form a "syrup". Top the sliced area (that leaves a bit of inside showing) w/ cinnamon and a little Splenda. Microwave  for 5 minutes. Eat cold or warm. 


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

Shanus, I don't drink soda, but what is Diet Coke sweetened with?  


I recently hit the ceiling when I found Sugar-free Jello ( the variety you cook) that was sweetened with aspartame: it's not heat stable!


My weakness is pudding, but I don't want corn starch: I'm having success with Instant Clear Gel however: it works in non-dairy milks!!!! BadaBing! It is a modified starch, but at 1 gms of carbs per teaspoon, I'll take it!  It's 5 calories per teaspoon, so if you need a little over 3 TB per cup of liquid-that's 45 calories. Add it to reduced calorie almond milk  with extract and a sweetener, and you have instant pudding! 


Today, I want to make chocolate-but I'm going to have to do that either on the stove, or Vitamix to dissolve the cocoa: the Clear Gel thickens fairly quickly: it's no where near as labor intensive as corn starch.....


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Re: Diabetes thread now opened!

@cherry  I found the sugar-free werthers to taste just as good as the regular. I love the caramel chocolate and mint variety, but original flavor is tasty too.

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