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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty

@sfnative wrote:

@tsavorite wrote:

@sfnative  Thank you so much....I just googled Acclarent and found my doctor ENT on their site! YA at least he is trained in this procedure if it is something I may need.  


Also I see what you are saying....I have had something similar done during my vertigo testing...they took this long very thin wire had a tiny bulb on end and fed it thur my ear until it got to my nasal/sinus area.  Boy do I remember that feeling....and the tech was really rough when jerking it out....hurt! She said oh sorry maybe you had some ear wax in there....I thought NO you were careless and hurrying.  


Finding someone who is really good at well anything in life is the challenge and then you have to hope they do a good job for you.  


Thanks for your help....the more information I get the better I am feeling about this...hoping I can get to the correct diagnosis and find a proper treatment and then maybe finally I can sleep and wake up feeling good for once.  I can't even remember not dragging around it's been so long.



Must be quick, as I must de-pan 2 cake layers and get to knee PT in 50 minutes. LOL!


Anyway, I had quite a few conversations with "M" from Acclarent.  Simply cannot remember his name.  Need to walk through my iPhone directory to find his name.  It was a funky first name.  Feel free to call them, asking the receptionist for the person you can talk to about surgeons in your area.  don't let her tell you she can just look at a list.  Tell her you were referred to Acclarent by the former Head of Surgical Training at NMCSD.  Then, when you're speaking with the right person, indicate that you need a warm and fuzzy surgeon in your area and add some background. It doesn't hurt to ask.  They know not only the quals of each trained surgeon, but have worked with them, so already have a feeling for their "like-ability" factor. 



Wow....ok I will do this...thanks for the tip and using/dropping your name to also get more names LOL!  Thanks

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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty

My dh had the deviated septum surgery about 10 years ago and he said if he'd have known how bad it was, he wouldn't have had it done.  Hopefullly, they've improved surgical procedures since then but, after seeing what he went through, that surgery would be my absolute last resort.

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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty

@tsavorite I've had both procedures within the last five years. The sinuplasty was done in the office of my ENT and it was awful!!!!! the pain had me crying even though I was given one Valium to take an hour before the procedure and then Novocaine right before. I have a high tolerance for pain but this was excruciating. It took two Oxycontin to get me through the night. 


I had sinus surgery ten months later after my doctor tried all he could for my sinusitis and after seeing my the MRI of my sinus us, he recommended surgery. My surgery was done in the hospital as an out patient in 2015, the pain wasn't that bad but wearing the bandage under my nose for draining wasn't too comfortable. I was sent home with some sort of brackets in my nose that were removed a week later. That hurt more than the surgery nut I've had no sinus troubles since. However I still take medication for my allergies but I breath a lot better and I'm glad that I had the surgery.

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty

@Tyak wrote:

My dh had the deviated septum surgery about 10 years ago and he said if he'd have known how bad it was, he wouldn't have had it done.  Hopefullly, they've improved surgical procedures since then but, after seeing what he went through, that surgery would be my absolute last resort.

@Tyak  My youngest son had this done and it was awful!  He has told me he still can't breathe well so it was a waste to have had it done for him.  That makes me so a parent the doctor assured me this was necessary so he could breathe but I am finding that isn't true.  Been reading alot and it seems there is another area that can be the real issue as ALL of us to some degree have a deviated septum.  I feel like it is most likely not necessary for most people. Turbinoplasty is what they can do instead....I wish I had known about this.

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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty

@JaneMarple wrote:

@tsavorite I've had both procedures within the last five years. The sinuplasty was done in the office of my ENT and it was awful!!!!! the pain had me crying even though I was given one Valium to take an hour before the procedure and then Novocaine right before. I have a high tolerance for pain but this was excruciating. It took two Oxycontin to get me through the night. 


I had sinus surgery ten months later after my doctor tried all he could for my sinusitis and after seeing my the MRI of my sinus us, he recommended surgery. My surgery was done in the hospital as an out patient in 2015, the pain wasn't that bad but wearing the bandage under my nose for draining wasn't too comfortable. I was sent home with some sort of brackets in my nose that were removed a week later. That hurt more than the surgery nut I've had no sinus troubles since. However I still take medication for my allergies but I breath a lot better and I'm glad that I had the surgery.

Oh my goodness....that's AWFUL!  I can't imagine them doing a sinuplasty with local only in the doc's office!  That balloon one seems to be dependent on the doctor's skill...watched a Youtube video of that one and the guy had no pain at all so it seems the skill of the physician is the key.  


I am glad you finally found what would help you but these unnecessary procedures done on patients is just plain terrible. 


Thank you for sharing your story.

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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Ballon Sinuplasty

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

You dont trust the doctors you see but you would trust non-medically educated people on this board?  I will most definitely pray for you to get the help and healing you need.  But please see your doctor for depression.

I see nothing wrong with asking for the experiences of others here.  Why do some seem to think one can only ask a medical professional about a health problem?  Getting opinons of others might help to point someone in the right direction for finding a new doctor. 


I've gone to my share of doctors for the same problem.  Many times I'll get different responses and suggestions of how to solve a problem  from them so why not ask others what they have experienced and what worked for them?  I think we all know that it's only a suggestion.


I can certainly see how not getting a good night's sleep for weeks or months would make someone depressed.



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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty

@tsavorite . Has your doctor mentioned enlarged turbinates?  I had the problem of waking up each night with one of my nostrils clogged.  After going to an ENT I was told that I had enlarged turbinates.  He did a procedure (I can't recall the name of it since it's been more than 18 years ago) to reduce the swelling.


Well it helped a little but not enough so I went to another ENT who claimed that I had a deviated septum also along with enlarged turbinates.  I had the surgery to straighten it (but my real problem was the enlarged turbinates) and another reduction for my turbinates.  Doctors don't want to overdo it by making turbinates too small since they are needed to regulate moisture in your sinuses.


I really don't remember too much right after the surgery except coming home with my nose packed, feeling miserable and my DH asking me what I was thinking about for dinner!  I could have clobbered him!  I told him to get take out for himself & the kids.


Today I still have a minor issue with my nose only occasionally having the swelling and it's not as bad as it once was.  Hopefully in 2018 procedures for better breathing have improved a great deal.



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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty


Since you mentioned allergies to dust mites, if you haven't done this already, you should buy mattress covers and pillow covers that block out allergens.  That was the first thing I did when I got my allergy test results and I noticed the difference the very next day.  I got mine at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  


I have also had sinus surgery to fix my deviated septum and widen some of my sinus passages, if you want to know anything specific, I'll be around the boards so you can page me.

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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty

@haddon9 wrote:

@tsavorite . Has your doctor mentioned enlarged turbinates?  I had the problem of waking up each night with one of my nostrils clogged.  After going to an ENT I was told that I had enlarged turbinates.  He did a procedure (I can't recall the name of it since it's been more than 18 years ago) to reduce the swelling.


Well it helped a little but not enough so I went to another ENT who claimed that I had a deviated septum also along with enlarged turbinates.  I had the surgery to straighten it (but my real problem was the enlarged turbinates) and another reduction for my turbinates.  Doctors don't want to overdo it by making turbinates too small since they are needed to regulate moisture in your sinuses.


I really don't remember too much right after the surgery except coming home with my nose packed, feeling miserable and my DH asking me what I was thinking about for dinner!  I could have clobbered him!  I told him to get take out for himself & the kids.


Today I still have a minor issue with my nose only occasionally having the swelling and it's not as bad as it once was.  Hopefully in 2018 procedures for better breathing have improved a great deal.



@haddon9  No...I was seeing the ENT/allergist guy in the office that day....and he is the one that told me I have a severely deviated septum 95% blockage.  Now I saw this same doctor yrs back and he never mentioned any of this to me back then.  Also for several yrs I saw (in same practice) another ENT that specializes in vertigo and he never mentioned any of this to me either.  Had MRI and so on....never mentioned anything about this so called septum problem.  


Nobody ever mentioned turbinates to me either.  From what I am reading and researching that is the most likely issues with folks NOT the so called deviated septum.  Everyone's septum is somewhat "not straight" and it's no issue whatsoever.  But those turbinates seem to be the key...and since I am allergic to dust mites they can be inflammed easily.  Heck I am beginning to think this all is connected.  The vertigo as the tubes from my ear (all same side/left) is always feeling like there is something in there...or pressure.  ANd believe me I have done every awful test they insist on yrs back and they told me no pressure found but for me it feels like there is all the time.  Just like my left nostril....swollen...pressure.  


I go in Sept 11 to see another ENT in this same large practice to talk with him about all this.


All the responses (minus 1) have been VERY helpful.  I am gathering information from everyone...researching as much as I can.....and going to put together a list of it all to ask him.  WHat I don't want to hear is the same deviated septum talk/nonsense...he better be much better of a doctor then that.  


It absolutely pains me to think my youngest boy did that silly procedure and it didn't help him and they said nothing about turbinates to me back then.  So I need to get to the bottom of this all for myself and him.



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Re: Deviated Septum....or...Balloon Sinuplasty

@lolakimono  Hi and thanks for sharing!  I do have the mattress and pillow cover.  I also picked up a air purifier/cleaner for the bedroom.  But I have carpet in there...I was told some people get rid of all carpet.  Ours is almost 15yrs old so I am thinking of getting some faux hardwood floor installed but until then I am stuck with carpet.


Do you use any OTC products for the allergies?  right now I just use a nasal's a dupe Costco makes for flonaze.  It helps me alot.  Sometimes I can take a decongestant...the lowest dose 30mg's any more then that and I get the "jitters" even the nasal spray ones like Afrin do that to me so I almost never use those.  


They told me to keep things well dusted and to wear one of those dust masks when I clean.  It's seems impossible...when I go downstairs to workout I can feel the nose gets worse.  These mites are everywhere you go...I try not to let it make me crazy! LOL