My brother has Parkinson's and dementia. When he first started out he had a lot of hallucinations and would call and he would ask me if they were true and I said just to you. He would say I thought so. That was in the beginning and now he is in Memory Care and can not focus on a subject for very long but still knows who I am. Still sees things that are not there but not like before. I'm sure his medications help.
It is painful to see my brother like this. Just turned 69 last week. Worked hard and had many plans like we all do when it is time to retire.
I'm am sorry for your struggles and your loved one has something going on.
My husband gets a lot of uti's and I know it makes him confused and tired and I see a big difference when he has one.
It is hard to be a caregiver at times. Just want to go outside sometimes and scream as loud as I can. Getting older sure isn't what it is cracked out to be.