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@jubilant  I'm like the wisdom or experience here but wishing you a speedy recovery. 

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It sounds like you have a Holter monitor, possibly to check for “a fib”, an abnormal heart rhythm. Atrial fibrillation can lead to blood clots that travel to other organs.

The “dead spots” in your liver might refer to areas with inadequate flow and oxygenation due to blockages by the clots.
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Re: Dead Spots On Liver

[ Edited ]



After reading up on both, I am more familiar with the type of technology used for clotting. This type of Heart Monitor gives more detailed information about the heart functions than wearing an EKG Monitor.


More information is always the end goal of any type of monitor worn by a patient.  As @bikerbabe said, this Holter version does exactly that with the heart activity.


I have never been diagnosed with Afib, my 2 heart attacks were caused by 100% blockages of my Right Coronary Artery. While PVC was discovered with my very first Maximal Treadmill Stress Testing back in the 1980's.  Afib has never been connected to any of my 2 heart failures.


I mentioned here a few months back, I am again suffering from Congestive Heart Failure(CHF). I was able to work my out of the low Ejection Fraction Range(EF), after my 2nd Heart Attack back in 2007.


My latest Ultrasound showed the reason my ice skating started to get more labored the few months prior to having tests run.


I first had a Ultrasound which showed my EF were much lower. From there my Cardiologist wanted to see if I had any blockages in my Coronary Arteries. He found my Major Arteries to be clean. That pointed directly to my hearts inability to pump enough blood to be the problem.


I have since been unable to ice skate and have had to lower the intensity of all of my exercising. I am also on Enresto(a CHF Med), and another type of Beta Blocker.


As far as your liver issue, from what I have read, sometimes the spots you mention can be attributed to some form of Deep Vein Thrombosis(DVT).These things are issues I would discuss with the Doctors that are now treating you.


The above are some things from my own personal Heart Issues, others only from what I have just recently read. Do not consider any of what I have written here as Advice, that is not, and is never, my intention.


Best wishes to you with these issues. 🙏


hckynut 🇺🇸

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Re: Dead Spots On Liver

[ Edited ]

@hckynutjohn @bikerbabe 

I have a MCNOT device.


Unlike a Holter Monitor which records every single heartbeat for 24 hours, MCT and Event Monitors only record (and store in their memories) abnormal cardiac rhythms. The devices are programmed to “look” for different arrhythmias.


Last night was my first night on this device. I had to take it off as I am allergic to the adhesive on the sensor pad.   I called them and they have changed me to the electrode type which will be ready to put on at 1:00 pm today. Their patient assistance was great.


My family doctor's wife works at the hospital that is only about a 20 minutes away so they should know which doctor or doctors I need to see. He works out of a different hospital but our insurance covers both hospitals.


I think the way they know it is blood clots blocking the flow of blood  is the spots have a more reddish color than other spots.   I still have a lot of unanswered questions so I hope I won't have to wait too long to see whomever they send me to.


To  everyone:  Thanks for all your replies.  So many caring people here for us all. There's certainly something to be said for that!  

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Oh, it’s miserable if you’re allergic to the adhesive.

Yes, there are different versions of mobile cardiac telemetry. I tend to use “Holter” as a generic term. I hope you get some answers soon. ❤️
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The hospital I was in is a very small one. They don't do any major operations and told me they would like me to stay over the week-end....that....or wear this MCOT to monitor my heart for 30 days. I  have a    grandson that lives close to me and is a first responder.  I had a fainting spell yesterday and he came over,  checked me out, and concluded it was a drop in my BP that did it and if it happens again to go to the emergency room at the bigger hospital where they could do a lot  more for me. 


Also... I am aware that this bigger hospital has 3 of the top gastro doctors in the city and two of the best internalists. 


Today I will call my family doctor and he usually will see his patients quickly in situations like this.    

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Registered: ‎07-12-2011

I havn't heard of it either but I wish you well. Heart

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Good luck and if you have a close friend or family member that can accompany you to the doctors office, that might help.  Another set of ears always helps when one feels under the weather.