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Registered: ‎12-24-2010
I need to get a new set of hearing aids and I’m wondering if anybody here has purchased from Costco do you like them are they worth and value the fair that I currently how to replace a $7000 which is out rages so if you guys could give me your opinion I would really appreciate it thank you
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I honestly don't know how the Costco hearing aids are but I read online recently that that is one thing you should not purchase from them. So I'd check online for reviews. My mother has a friend who purchased Costco hearing aids and still has trouble hearing. My mother bought the expensive ones through her doctor and, I know, she had different levels and prices to choose from. Costco may too and perhaps that is why my mom's friend has trouble with hers.

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Registered: ‎11-24-2013

Re: Costco hearing aids

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@Tara811 @ceh I am one of MANY satisified hearing aid consumers of Costco products! I got mine quite a few years ago. About 3 years ago my hearing got a bit worse and got an upgrade. At *that* time as I recall (and I'm likely a little bit off) the price was about $2600 for the pair.


I go in every few weeks for routine maintenance and have never had a moment's problem with mine.


There was a very old thread about this and many people also like Costco hearing aids.


But each person should purchase what is best for them, especially if they have ongoing hearing problems.

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I bought hearing aides from an Audiologist. They were wonderful. But the plastic form that kept the hearing aid in your ear, broke. I could not get a replacement. So the $2,600 per ear hearing aids were trashed.


Was upset and went to Costco for their Kirkland hearing aides. The Costco store was brand new and the "hearing aid guy" was great. Spent alot of time adjusting and fitting the hearing aids.


After awhile the hearing aids were not helpful. I wanted Costco to up the hearing aides a bit. For some reason "their current hearing aid guy" could not adjust the hearing aids. He had the computer software but somehow he couldn't get it to work.


So once again I had to buy new hearing aids. I bought Philips hearing aids. I am very happy with them. They work as well as the $2,600/per ear hearing aid. So glad I gave them a try. I bought them at Costco the day they couldn't adjust the Kirkland hearing aids.


Can't help but wonder if Costco couldn't adjust my old Kirkland hearing aids so that I would buy a new pair.

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Registered: ‎11-24-2013

Re: Costco hearing aids

[ Edited ]

@drizzellla I went to the Costco website and the Kirkland brand lists for $1400 for **a pair** , certainly not at the price you mentioned!   I don't know where you found Kirkland brand aids at $2600 *each*. Doesn't sound right.




Super Contributor
Posts: 433
Registered: ‎12-24-2010
Yes if you go on their website that’s the price
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Posts: 433
Registered: ‎12-24-2010
I’m so sorry you should have called Costco executive
There is no reason you had to buy 3pair
Super Contributor
Posts: 433
Registered: ‎12-24-2010
Ur exactly right I’m told that the big name hearing aids are made by the same 2/3 companies
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Anytime I have to spend a considerable amount of money, I'm going to do my homework and spend wisely to begin with; no second expense to right my wrong decision.   


I would never consider buying hearing aids from Costco.   Hearing aids are devices needed to help with a physical health problem.  To me, that problem needs to be identified by a medical doctor, followed by referral to an ENT/audiologist.  

My mother purchased a set of mid grade hearing aids for $2500 about 7 years ago, and they are still working fine.  

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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

I've worn hearing aids for many, many years.  Keep in mind, the employees at Costco may be able to help with amplification, but they are not trained to diagnose issues related to hearing problems, the way a legitimate audiologist is.  My last pair of aids cost me right around $5,000 or so, maybe $5200.  Before DH retires, I plan to get a new pair. When we finally go on Medicare, we may not have much choice than to go with Costco aids, but as long as we can afford them, I'll keep getting them from my trusted audiologist.