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Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

About 15 yrs ago, I was exposed to indoor rowing. It was the dusty machine in the back of the one used. My new trainer was knowledgable well beyond his yrs & began incorporating rowing w/ all his clients. Today? It's more popular than ever. It's a full-body, low-impact exercise powered by the intensity you determine by your drive/pull.

I discovered Concept2 has a HUGE worldwide online forum. You can post questions, your journal, compete w/ people across the World...and even compare your time w/ record holders. If you're into rowing....this website is the Mother Ship.

Indoor cycling is my 1st passion, but indoor rowing (Ergometer or 'erg') is definitely taking a foothold! I went to my first Erg Sprint Tournament in February. Seeing everyone, of all ages, sprint for 2,000 meters is inspiring! I saw the Women, in my age range & weight class, bust out a time I've done @ the gym, so I'm in for next February! But what's the World Record? Have to set your sights higher, right?!

Right now I'm on the cusp of a sub 2:00/500meter. That's in the top 50% of the World Rowing times for my gender/age/weight class. The goal is to keep extending my distance for 2,000 meters. Sprinting for 7, 8, 9, 10 minutes is UBER intense...a possible tummy-tumbler for some!!

I'm sure many of you go to gyms where rowers are next to the treadmills. Go to the Concept2 website, get your form down...and go for it!

I'm excited! Do you want to train with me?

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Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

I purchased one of these Concept2 rowers but really need more instructions since I no longer can do Crossfit. Thanks for the website.

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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

On 8/25/2014 Hoovermom said:

I purchased one of these Concept2 rowers but really need more instructions since I no longer can do Crossfit. Thanks for the website. must have the Dream Home Gym I would love to have! Nice equipment! Here's another website...

Another Website: w/ lots of workout ideas

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Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

Yes, it is big but fits into a part of my basement along with the treadmill. Thanks for the other website.

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Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

We own this rowing machine as well. It is a real workout. When we use the gym while travelling, the rowing machines are usually free. I always tell my husband that I feel like a big nap after using it. The elliptical (Octane 37) is my main choice. Good for you Sidsmom on setting goals! LM

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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

I always see the rowing machines in the back corners of gyms!! With the popularity of CrossFit, which their WOD's incorporate the rower, more people are beginning to discover it.

Though, I cringe when I see someone plop down on one, crank up the damper to 10, and go 90MPH...slapping the chain pull against the machine! They're going to break my baby!! Smiley Very Happy

Or the little ladies using it like a lat row...or an over-the-head row...and the chain scrapes against the metal chamber. I'm becoming very protective of my baby!! HA Smiley Happy

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Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

No I never thought I needed rowing. Most of my training or exercising is done with more specificity. While it is more time consuming I prefer isolating certain muscle groups, especially not combining upper and lower body in the same exercise. That has worked the best for me over the decades.

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Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

I get a good workout by rowing in the lake. The hard part is getting it out of the water.

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Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

Yes,I row . My bosses are both youth rowing coaches and went to nationals this year. They also row and just returned from a competition in France. They let me bring home a concept 2 last summer and taught me how to row. I am hooked. It is a fantastic workout.I can binge watch tv on dvd while getting my row on. I don't row on water.They take their dogs in the coaches
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Re: Concept2 Indoor Rowing: Do you row?

I have been rowing for a few years now. My trainer uses it extensively in his CrossFit classes and my private sessions too.

Just last Thursday we alternated 500 meters (it didn't count until I got below 2:00 - right at 1:57-1:59) with 10 deadlifts of 95 pounds. I did 10 sets total.

He went online today and looked up times for 60 year old women - I'm doing pretty well and I never would have believed it until you got me curious to check! In the next week we will see how fast I can sprint 500 once.