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DH had his colonoscopy yesterday. Three years ago he had 12 polyps removed...yesterday 8 more.... thank goodness for this life saving procedure!  I go next year for my next procedure. I had one polyp removed in 2014. So they recommended   10 years. 

I hope everyone here takes advantage of this procedure and has it done as recommended. It is not "fun"....but just another inconvenience in life that may just SAVE YOUR LIFE. ❤️

List of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer


This article lists notable people who died from or were diagnosed with colorectal cancer.



Posts: 59
Registered: ‎06-04-2014

Thanks for the update.  Good news for sure!  As you stated, it's so very important to have this procedure done.  The preparation (drinking all the necessary liquid to clean out the colon so the doctor can clearly locate the polyps) is not really all that bad.  They have improved the taste of the liquid, compared to what it used to be.  Just have to keep remembering that the procedure is very possibly preveenting cancer.  

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I had a colonoscopy this past October.  Everything was fine and I don't need to have another one for ten years.  The inconvenience is minor considering all the possible problems that can occur if you don't have one.

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Ask your doc for an upper GI at same time you do your colonoscopy. If you have any reflux related symptoms this can be medically justified and if coded properly insurance covered. 

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I have had my colonoscopy done about every five years.  As uncomfortable as the prep was for me...the peace of mind afterwards is worth it.  

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I just had both done late December.  Endoscopy and Colonoscopy.  I hate the prep as it makes me feel awful to go a day without any food intake (Blah!) and then to drink all that stuff until you literally want to puke.......however I would never NOT have one because I wouldn't want to deal with the other option.   Breast cancer survivor's risk goes up a small percentage too for colon cancer.

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I had both done five years ago.  They don't want to do another at my advanced age, so sent me a cologuard kit and mailed back yesterday.  It's suppose to be 93% accurate.

I was OK five years ago.

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Just think of what one polyp removed ten years ago could have become if not removed. I know the process can be difficult for some people, but the inconvenience is well worth the peace of mind.

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Yes - a very necessary exam.  My mother had colon cancer so I have been going since I was quite young.  

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@AuntG wrote:

Just think of what one polyp removed ten years ago could have become if not removed. I know the process can be difficult for some people, but the inconvenience is well worth the peace of mind.

That's why the medical gold standard is a 5-year (not 10-year) interval for anyone who has had even a single polyp.