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I have a HUGE cold sore on my lower lip, and the itching is driving me crazy, not to mention it looks ugly.


I know not to touch it, and I haven't, but what are some home remedies that I can do to make it go away?


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Registered: ‎03-29-2012

I have had these FOREVER!

My favorite, at the first sign, is Campho-Phenique with DRYING ACTION.

Image result for campho phenique with drying action

Other remedies-

witch hazel

ice cubes on the area

wetting a wooden match and using the sulphur tip like a Qtip (burns like %*$#)

This is good too-

Also, take the supplement L-Lysine as soon as you feel it coming and keep taking it until it goes away.

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Posts: 54,451
Registered: ‎03-29-2012

Also, check out your diet and make sure the ratio of lysine to arginine is in check. Here is a sample chart of foods and their makeup.

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Coconut oil!!!!! Get a small jar of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, use a Q-tip to gently apply the semi-solid oil, and voila! The lauric and caprylic acid in coconut fight against that particular virus. I know someone who has tried this, and claimed it worked. Keep reapplying the oil several times a day.

Please report back to let everyone know how it worked for you.

Good luck!

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It might be to late but when I can 'feel' the sore starting I hold an ice cube on my lip and I know I have stopped the sore from cannot hurt to try it now. Those things are sooo ugly....and painful

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Abreva and Oragel both make products for this. Also take the L Lysine supplements and use the ointment. Keep in mind that they do tend to linger.

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Registered: ‎03-29-2012

OP, I don't know where you live, but stay out of the sun too until it heals.

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The only thing that works for me, is to attack the virus with both oral and topical Zovirax. When this nasty virus activates in my body, it is not unusual for me to develop multiple blisters, which the oral medication takes care of. I don't waste my time with anything other than the prescription stuff.
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Zovirax cream works, but it's a prescription. If you want something over the counter, Abreva works well for me. Heals them up faster than anything else that's over the counter. You can find it at Wal-Mart, or any pharmacy.

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For me, if I get a cold sore, it means a bad cold is on its way! ... I usually use Campho Phenique in the yellow box ... it always works for me but, it takes a few days for the cold sore to go away