Posts: 44
Registered: ‎03-29-2010

Has any one had this procedure?  I just had this done last Thursday and my butt is sore but I believe it is healing.  I only took oxycodone for 5 days.  I have now switched to Ibuprofen as I was starting to not feel so well with other.  So, I still have pain and  getting better.  I follow up with my surgeon the day after Thanksgiving. Just wondering if there's anyone out there that is going through this process or that ever has.  Anything  that was helpful for you?  Thanks in advance for any replies.

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I had never heard of this word until I read your post so I decided to look it up.  I was surprised to know they could actually do this procedure. I have had mild pain in my tailbone for several years. So far, I get relief from a few ibuprofen. Good luck to you!! 

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎03-29-2010

Thank you for your reply.  They did two other same procedures the same day I had mine.  The nurse at hospital said it is common but people just don't talk about it.  I wish people would speak up.


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Now I'm curious! Could you tell me more about this procedure? Was this done by an orthopedic surgeon? Also, how long did you spend in the hospital? Just wondering in case I get to the point in my future where I might consider having this done.  Thank you for any information!! 

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@ronni01 wrote:

Has any one had this procedure?  I just had this done last Thursday and my butt is sore but I believe it is healing.  I only took oxycodone for 5 days.  I have now switched to Ibuprofen as I was starting to not feel so well with other.  So, I still have pain and  getting better.  I follow up with my surgeon the day after Thanksgiving. Just wondering if there's anyone out there that is going through this process or that ever has.  Anything  that was helpful for you?  Thanks in advance for any replies.

I have, years ago due to a cyst on the coccyx (tail bone).  It was simple, the cyst was larger than the bone which is relatively small.  The bone serves no purpose and in the course of evolution, we lost our reason for a tail, most likely its purpose.  It was a simple procedure and I had no problems and it sounds like you are well on the road to recovery.  It is tender for a while because we sit on the avoid that as much as you can.  If I remember correctly, I returned to work in about 2 weeks, I could have done so earlier but I commuted to NYC and also had a lot of desk work in my job.  Had I lived closer I would have returned sooner.  Good Luck!  You should have no problem as there really is no function for the bone and you will move freely.  I had no PT post op, just used the treadmill. 

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎03-29-2010

Lori-Kay,  I was having pain to sit since July or August and thought it was hemmoroids so I went to the doctor and he said no hemmoroids but I had a small cyst and he said well you have probably always had that.  Anyways, saw the doctor 2 more times and the last time I went in she said that the cyst or bone looked larger than the last time she had seen me. I was referred to a surgeon within my health plan.  He said he could fix this but not without surgery.  My coccyx had a cyst on it thus was causing my pain.  It was done at my hospital by a very good surgeon.  I had to be at the hospital at 11:15 am was told I would be in the hospital for 5 - 51/2 hours total time.  My procedure took about 30 minutes.  I was able to walk out of the hospital with no wheelchair.  I suppose I had so much pain meds in my system is why I was able to do that.  

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I am amazed that this is an outpatient procedure! So good to know. Thanks again for sharing!! 

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎03-29-2010

Thank you greenhouse for sharing - it makes me feel better just from hearing from others who may have experienced this.  I can not wait to be able to get back on my treadmill either!!  I plan to go back to work in about 2 weeks.  I have a desk job as well and as of today still not able to sit on my butt.  I have to switch from side to side.  

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@Greenhouse wrote:

@ronni01 wrote:

Has any one had this procedure?  I just had this done last Thursday and my butt is sore but I believe it is healing.  I only took oxycodone for 5 days.  I have now switched to Ibuprofen as I was starting to not feel so well with other.  So, I still have pain and  getting better.  I follow up with my surgeon the day after Thanksgiving. Just wondering if there's anyone out there that is going through this process or that ever has.  Anything  that was helpful for you?  Thanks in advance for any replies.

I have, years ago due to a cyst on the coccyx (tail bone).  It was simple, the cyst was larger than the bone which is relatively small.  The bone serves no purpose and in the course of evolution, we lost our reason for a tail, most likely its purpose.  It was a simple procedure and I had no problems and it sounds like you are well on the road to recovery.  It is tender for a while because we sit on the avoid that as much as you can.  If I remember correctly, I returned to work in about 2 weeks, I could have done so earlier but I commuted to NYC and also had a lot of desk work in my job.  Had I lived closer I would have returned sooner.  Good Luck!  You should have no problem as there really is no function for the bone and you will move freely.  I had no PT post op, just used the treadmill. 



I also had this done years ago for the same reason, haven't had any problems since, just take your time & follow doctor's orders.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010


There are coccyx cushions for people with coccyx pain--before and after surgery--look it up on your search engine.