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Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens

Hi all! I'm scheduled for cataract surgery in early October. I'll be getting a light sensitive lens implanted which will require me to go back once a week for 3-4 weeks to adjust the prescription.


Has anybody had this lens implanted? If so, how were the follow up appointments? Was it hard to avoid exposure to light during the adjustment period? Were you happy with the end results?


I'm nervous about the whole thing, so I'd appreciate any input. Thanks!

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Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens

I just read up on it because I had not heard about it. The Cleveland eye clinic has a great explanation for how the lens works. Very interesting. I had mine done 10 years ago. I have 20/20 with both eyes. One eye was done with a little less correction so I could read something. Sometimes I can read my phone if i am in good light. Wear reading glasses with a prism in both lenses so I couldn't have one eye for distance and one for reading. Good luck. It does sound great to me. 

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Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens

I dont know about this, had both eyes done in last few months, I never wore glasses before and still dont, this makes me very happy.  I assume you still need to use drops for a month after, mine were compounded so only one bottle to use, that was a pleasure. 

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Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens

I've worn glasses or contacts forever. The surgeon said because I'm SO nearsighted, I'd have a better chance of 20/20 distance with these kinds of lenses. Pretty sure I'll still need to use glasses for reading.


Thanks for your responses. Woman Happy

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Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens

@FireInTheSky   I had cataract surgery with implantation of Tri-Focal lenses on both eyes 11 years ago.  One eye was nearsighted, one eye was far sighted.  My vision was so bad I didn't think I'd be able to have my driver's license renewed.


I had one eye done with a follow-up appt the next day and the other eye done 3 weeks later with same follow-up appt the next day.  I had a course of treatment with drops for the next 4-6 weeks (forget exactly).  I never had problems with light sensitivity and never had any other post-surgery appts.  Never had any complications.


I've had 20/20 vision since the surgery without ever wearing eyeglasses.


There is an issue with dry eyes after this procedure; however, I manage it with using a eyelid cleanser and a ampule of drops (from Costco) in the AM and Refresh Celluvisc ampule drops (from Amazon) in the PM.


This procedure has changed my life in extraordinary ways!  I see vivid colors and enjoy the beauty of nature around me.  I can also read tiny print that I NEVER could have  imagined doing before the surgery. 


I go for my yearly follow-up appts and always express my sincere gratitude to my wonderful surgeon.  It was an expensive surgery that wasn't covered by insurance but worth every penny!


Good Luck!!

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Registered: ‎05-30-2010

Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens

That's encouraging to hear. Sounds like you had great results. I hope mine are as good.


I'm nervous about the surgery itself, but it sounds like it's not a big deal. I'm a worrier.


Most of mine will not be covered by insurance either, so it will be very expensive. I want to give myself the best chance of getting an excellent result, though.


Thanks for the encouraging words!

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Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens


My husband is having cataract surgery in early October also, we are paying 2 thousand extra for one of the eyes but I can't remember what that is for, it isn't what you describe though.  He is having both eyes done at the same time.


He has lots of drops he picked up from the pharmacy for before and after.

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Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens



The surgery took 7 MINUTES for each eye!


My surgeon had performed over 5,000 of these procedures when I had my surgery.  He was EXCELLENT!!

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Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens

To Fireinthesky. I had my first eye done on Aug.16th and the second done on Aug.30th. I have a distance lense so I don't need glasses for distance. I still need reading glasses but over the counter. I always needed readers. I am a avid reader. I was a nervous wreck worrying about something going wrong. Thank God everything went well. The worst part was all the drops, I had 3 different kind and was putting them in both eyes after both surgeries.  I still have 2 weeks left on the second eye. It is only 2 times  aday. It was a lot easier than I thought. Such a short operation. I wish you well . No matter what everyone tells you I couldn't help but worry. It turned out to be a piece of cake. Good Luck

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Re: Cataract Surgery..Light sensitive Lens

[ Edited ]



  • The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) is the first intraocular lens (IOL) whose power can be adjusted after cataract surgery. It is designed to improve how well you see without eyeglasses compared to a standard single focus lens implant."light  (edited to remove live link)
The Light Adjustable Lens is one of the newest and most expensive IOL options for cataract surgery patients. There is a lot of information if you just search "Light Adjustable Lens IOL"