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Registered: ‎06-28-2011

I had a similar experience to Carmie. Absolutely no pain at all. When I took off the patch from the first surgery (several hours after the surgery), I was shocked at what I could see. I went to work the next day. Had the second one done several weeks later. Absolutely the best thing that I've done. I can see when I wake up.....I can see things that had been blurry to me for so long.....and very rarely even need reading glasses. I had always thought that you had to hit a certain age before you had cataracts. Not true. People in their 40s get cataracts!!

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Registered: ‎06-28-2011

I would highly recommend having someone do the surgery that specializes in cataract surgery!

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Registered: ‎04-21-2010

I have had both eyes done with laser and the implants. It is the best thing I have ever done. No more glasses (except for the dollar store readers) for the first time in 50 years. I have never seen this well in my life. The only drawback - now I can really see how dirty my house is!!!

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Had mine done a couple years ago. Said good bye to contact lenses too. An amazing procedure.

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On 1/21/2014 Ducchey said: My Doctor recommends that I have laser surgery for the removal of my cataract. I would like to hear from anyone that has had this procedure. What was your experience like? Would you recommend laser surgery for cataract removal? Was the procedure uncomfortable? Your advise would be greatly appreciated.

I've had cataracts removed from both eyes. The surgery was a go home in a few hours type of procedure. I had to use some drops post surgery and wear sunglasses outside at all times for a few weeks. I had no post surgery problems and discomfort was minimal. I can't think of a single reason for you to be nervous about-- or put off having cataract surgery.

Because I'm nearsighted I got the vision implants which made it possible for me to see clearly without glasses. I had worn glasses since the age of 4 and my nearsightedness is the degree where you can't see your bedside clock without putting glasses on. I feel liberated from having to wear glasses at all times. I could never wear contacts because of Sjogren's.

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I had cataract surgery on one eye in the morning and kept a dental appointment in the afternoon. Nothing to it.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Just had cataract eye in mid December, the second eye a couple of weeks ago. I too was sort of freaked at the thought of any kind of surgery without being completely sedated. I needed the surgery. I had bad cataracts in both eyes and the very real potential of issues with glaucoma if I didn't have them taken out. But the thought of someone completely removing my eye's natural lens and replacing it with an artificial lens was every bit as scary as glaucoma. After all, the first eye that was done was the one that had always worked the best and what if something went wrong???? And surgery after having been given only "something to relax you" just sounded wrong!

I did it anyway and it was amazing! Apparently cataract surgery (by someone who specializes in cataract surgery and who has an excellent reputation re the results) has become a very routine outpatient procedure. I was given something to relax me, but there were also IV meds given that produce something called "conscious sedation". I remember a little of the surgery but certainly not all of it and there was no pain at all. No pain during the surgery, no pain after the surgery, no pain at all unless you count the pain of ripping out a couple of hairs that stuck to the tape holding the eye shield in place! And I wasn't even "goofy" feeling least no more goofy than I usually am! I did take a nap once we got home, but after being awake a lot of the night before worrying, I was tired! Had to sign a pre-op paper that I wouldn't drive or sign important legal documents for 24 hours after due to having had the IV meds, and had to wear the eye protector and had to be careful to not bend over or sleep on the surgery side for the same time period. Also was to not lift anything heavy for a week. My interpretation of all that was, "BONUS! I don't have to do the laundry for a week!!!"

And I can now see better than I've ever seen, and I don't need to wear my glasses to read or for everyday activities. Colors are more vivid, no more cloudy vision, I don't need to put things under a light to read them, my world is a brighter place than I thought! I've worn glasses since I was in kindergarten, and this is a major improvement. I do have some difficulties focusing at a distance of about 10 feet, but past that is good and closer than that is good. I don't exactly know why I have good close and distant vision now since I received a single focus lens, but I'm not complaining. I may get some glasses for watching tv across the room, but I can't think of anything else I'd need them for.

I hope you consider having the surgery. I'm sure I was just as worried as you are, but it truly was the best thing I could have done for my vision and a truly miraculous procedure from start to finish!

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Registered: ‎05-03-2013
Thank you everyone for taking the time to answer my post. I really appreciate your encouragement. I am definitely having the surgery. I do feel much better now that I know what to expect.