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Calcium magnesium supplement

I need help finding a calcium magnesium supplement - I need the magnesium for constipation but a lot of them upset my stomach. I took magnesium fizz last night and was up all night with stomach discomfort. Does anyone have a suggestion?

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Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

Have you researched this problem?

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Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

I take the Andrew Lessman soft gel capsules. I can't take rock hard tablets and his have never upset my stomach. I also like that he has combined the calcium and magnesium so I don't have to take two separate pills. You need the magnesium to help with the calcium absorption. He also has some vitamin d3 in his. I know they are costly but I would give up all of his other vitamins to keep taking this one.

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Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

I take calcium and magnesium, among other things. I have found the calcium citrate and magnesium citrate are both easier to digest than calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate.

I take separate Cacium pills and Magnesium pills because the combo pills are not often citrates. Also, I have found I have to get the right balance of Calcium and Magnesium so it doesn't upset my stomach. You can't do that with a combo pill.

I like buying my supplements online and am happy with puritans. com and

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Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

I take Puritans Pride Bone Care, but I also take a separate 250 mg magnesium oxide pill.

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Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

Here's another thing to consider. I like taking my calcium and magnesium separately so I can control the doses. I was constipated for years until I cut back on my calcium (because of info I received that too much calcium supplementation can clog your arteries). Since I also eat a lot of calcium rich foods, I cut my supplementation in half, and the next day my constipation was gone for good. After all those years, I never realized that the calcium causes constipation, and the magnesium is a laxative.

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Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

I take Andrew Lessmans Calcium- Magnesium Intensive Care, it's gentle, ultra-soluable Calcium plus magnesium, vit D3 and Boron. It's in a powdered form in a gelatin capsule and that's it, no additives.

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Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

I take about 400 mg of magnesium daily.

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Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

I take Trader Joes cal,mag,zinc and find it works for me. My doctor told me the zinc was imp9rtant for the immune system, and healing.


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Registered: ‎04-14-2012

Re: Calcium magnesium supplement

Thanks so much for all the advice, I really appreciate you all taking the time to answer.