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My gynecologist recently had me do a bone density test.  I had one a few years ago and my PCP told me I was osteopenic which is somewhere between normal and osteoporosis.  He had suggested I take Prolia, but that was just too expensive and my insurance won't cover it.  I told him the only thing my insurance would cover would be Boniva and he was okay with that.  However, I just never could bring myself to get the prescription filled.


Meanwhile, earlier this year I started taking Bamboo Extract, not for my bones but mostly for my hair (I know, vanity) and it also has some cholesterol benefit if I remember correctly.  And before that I had been taking Calcium Citrate powder + Magnesium Glycinate + K2.  I didn't want to take a Calcium supplement pill because I can't swallow those big things and they all contain Vitamin D and I already take large quantities of that.  I had sorta dropped off the Calcium/Magnesium/K2 supplement for a few months though since I have to mix it into something and I kinda forget to do that middle of the day.  Can't take it in my morning yogurt because of thyroid disease.  The Bamboo Extract I do mix in my morning yogurt.


I never heard back from my gynegologist so I kinda assumed my test came back okay, but tonight decided to see if the results were in my patient portal.  I found them and it turns out I'm now normal.  My lowest number was in my hip and it was only -0.1.  Osteopenia is -1.0 to -2.5.  I don't have my previous numbers to compare, but assuming my PCP was correct before I obviously did something that worked.   That's really kinda rare with me. The only other time I have had such amazing benefits was from Co-Q10 for periodonatal disease.  


I guess I'll print out my results and show them to my PCP when I go in for my physical in a couple of weeks and see what he thinks.  

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I was diagnosed with osteopenia last year and my doctor recommended increasing vitamin D, increasing calcium through my diet and a lot of weight bearing exercise. I started doing some research and it’s unlikely that I will ever take a prescription medication even if I progress to osteoporosis. If I start having fractures down the road I’ll weigh my options again. Glad to hear that you’ve improved. I need to do better with the weight bearing exercises.

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@tucsongal wrote:

I was diagnosed with osteopenia last year and my doctor recommended increasing vitamin D, increasing calcium through my diet and a lot of weight bearing exercise. I started doing some research and it’s unlikely that I will ever take a prescription medication even if I progress to osteoporosis. If I start having fractures down the road I’ll weigh my options again. Glad to hear that you’ve improved. I need to do better with the weight bearing exercises.

@tucsongal I was actually surprised at the diagnosis in the first place because I do go to the gym and do both weights and some running.  I also Figure Skate which is a good exercise especially if you jump.  I much prefer spinning but I do jump some.  It's a lot easier on me than high impact aerobics were.  

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Re: Bone Density

[ Edited ]

@Icegoddess wrote:

I also Figure Skate which is a good exercise especially if you jump.  I much prefer spinning but I do jump some.  






You actually jump, I am impressed. I can't spin and I don't jump, but if I had too I might get an inch or 2 off the ice. Now start/stop/sharp 360, and a pretty quick 400' rink circle. But jump and spin? Nope, and good for you.


I had a DEXA Scan less than a year ago after I broke my nose during a skate. My nephew-in-law, a GP, told me with my history of broken ribs(6)and nose(9), it would be a good idea after I turned 80.


Mine came back with a 0.1, which falls I to the "normal" category. With all the times I fell on my left hip getting back to skating after 14 years off, think my hip bone would be shattered by now if it wasn't solid enough. Got a multi-color bruise on it right now!


Happy Skating to ya!






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Re: Bone Density

[ Edited ]

I've been telling posters around here about bamboo extract for a long time and that it works really well for getting bone health back to normal. I, too, started taking it for my hair but then I discovered later that my Dexa scan number went from osteopenia to normal. I'm thrilled! The NIH has written articles about silica supplements and bone's awesome stuff.

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I think you got excellent advice from your doctor.  When they do the dexa scan, it is after child bearing years, when your bones naturally thin.  At menopause, I think every woman is going to come back osteopenia.  Those drugs that they want to immedicately put patients on are full of bad side affects.  I am with you on this being the way to go.  When I was told that I had osteopenia, I have always been small boned so I was not sure how that test would know what I was at my early age.  I have never had any broken bones so I will just keep walking every day, eat right, and lift weights and yoga.

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My osteopenia remains fairly stable after being tested every other year for the last 16 years. My gyno now told me to stop going every other year and make it longer, no need to go like before. I take calcium, D3, magnesium and K2. 

I have also endured several bad falls in the last few years, and had nothing but minor bruising. Very grateful for that. 

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I did take Bamboo caps for 7 months for my hair, did nothing for that, so I stopped them, no idea if it helped with my bones. 

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I am 75 and had a hysterectomy in my early 30’s.  My dexa scans show that I do not have osteopenia.  I take Citracal time-released calcium, D-3, etc.  Simple drugs.


My mother had 3 hip replacements. The last surgert took forever as her leg/hip bone kept disintegrating on the table.  When done, her leg was inches shorter and she was confined to a wheelchair for months.  She was on the heavy duty drugs for bone building.  ( I don’t know if one of then accelerated the dementia or not. )


Point: not all post-menopausal women have osteopenia.

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Re: Bone Density

[ Edited ] did Co-Q10 help  for periodonatal disease? And what brand did you use? Think I may have and could use some help since I'm terrified of dentists..thx