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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@CalminHeart wrote:

@EastCoastGal wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:


Most doctors who perform colonoscopies refer people to other specialists if problems are found. Do not call the senior doctor.


Did the colonoscopy dr refer you to someone? If not, get the results on paper and call your own doctor for a referral or recommendation.


IMO, I'd have gone to the emergency room the first day if I had clots and blood like you describe.

@CalminHeart ... My sister did tell me to go to the emergency room but l thought what are they going to do to stop the bleeding? I thought only the colonoscopy doctor could help me because l went to him for an exam and he told me l had a hemorrhoid. I must have bled some for me to make that appointment. Then a few weeks later is when l had the bad bleeding. He seemed confused as to why l bled so much. I took a picture of how it looked in the toilet and he was glad l took a picture. He scratched his head when l told him l threw up clear liquid several times! He scheduled the colonoscopy. No. He didn't refer me to anyone. He completely dropped the subject after he told me my procedure was fine. He said he didn't think the bleeding was from my colon after all. I was very groggy from the medicine they gave me so l didn't think of it then. 

l haven't had any bleeding since and this happened about 3 months ago. It has been on my mind a lot because l really thought there was something wrong. You know how you get the feeling something is wrong? 


I'm sorry if I'm wrong with what I'm about to say. I say it because colon cancer runs rampant in my family and too many have died. Any symptom requires urgent care. 


All this doesn't make sense to me. IMHO, if it was as bad as you say, it's hard to imagine anyone waiting weeks for a test instead of doing something the first day. 


At the very least, ER/the hospital could have scheduled a colonoscopy within a day or two. If it wasn't a colon issue, the hospital would have helped figure out what it was. 


And just because the bleeding stopped doesn't mean the problem went away.




@CalminHeart ... I want to apologize to you. I jumped to conclusions about what you said. I'm sorry that you've had members of your family pass away from colon cancer.


Because of this l can see why you couldn't understand why l didn't go to the ER for treatment right away. I really thought l had colon cancer. After the procedure and the doctor told me l was fine l was thrilled !! I don't know why he didn't refer me to another doctor to see where all this blood was coming from but I'm looking into it now in case there is something else going on. 


Again, I'm sorry. 

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@EastCoastGal wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:

@EastCoastGal wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:


Most doctors who perform colonoscopies refer people to other specialists if problems are found. Do not call the senior doctor.


Did the colonoscopy dr refer you to someone? If not, get the results on paper and call your own doctor for a referral or recommendation.


IMO, I'd have gone to the emergency room the first day if I had clots and blood like you describe.

@CalminHeart ... My sister did tell me to go to the emergency room but l thought what are they going to do to stop the bleeding? I thought only the colonoscopy doctor could help me because l went to him for an exam and he told me l had a hemorrhoid. I must have bled some for me to make that appointment. Then a few weeks later is when l had the bad bleeding. He seemed confused as to why l bled so much. I took a picture of how it looked in the toilet and he was glad l took a picture. He scratched his head when l told him l threw up clear liquid several times! He scheduled the colonoscopy. No. He didn't refer me to anyone. He completely dropped the subject after he told me my procedure was fine. He said he didn't think the bleeding was from my colon after all. I was very groggy from the medicine they gave me so l didn't think of it then. 

l haven't had any bleeding since and this happened about 3 months ago. It has been on my mind a lot because l really thought there was something wrong. You know how you get the feeling something is wrong? 


I'm sorry if I'm wrong with what I'm about to say. I say it because colon cancer runs rampant in my family and too many have died. Any symptom requires urgent care. 


All this doesn't make sense to me. IMHO, if it was as bad as you say, it's hard to imagine anyone waiting weeks for a test instead of doing something the first day. 


At the very least, ER/the hospital could have scheduled a colonoscopy within a day or two. If it wasn't a colon issue, the hospital would have helped figure out what it was. 


And just because the bleeding stopped doesn't mean the problem went away.




@CalminHeart ... I want to apologize to you. I jumped to conclusions about what you said. I'm sorry that you've had members of your family pass away from colon cancer.


Because of this l can see why you couldn't understand why l didn't go to the ER for treatment right away. I really thought l had colon cancer. After the procedure and the doctor told me l was fine l was thrilled !! I don't know why he didn't refer me to another doctor to see where all this blood was coming from but I'm looking into it now in case there is something else going on. 


Again, I'm sorry. 


Thank you for the apology. You're very kind to do this.


I do tend to strongly react about these things because of family history.  


I really hope you find out it's not a problem. Take care of yourself.

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@EastCoastGal  sorry to hear the problems you are having.


I would go to a gastro  as soon as possible.  He will most likely recommend an upper endoscopy.  They can go pretty far down.  He found a polyp in my duodenum and removed it.


I would also think a CT scan is in order as well?


Have you had your blood count taken?  A complete blood test is a good idea too.


Best of luck to you.


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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

[ Edited ]

@Pink123 wrote:

@EastCoastGal  sorry to hear the problems you are having.


I would go to a gastro  as soon as possible.  He will most likely recommend an upper endoscopy.  They can go pretty far down.  He found a polyp in my duodenum and removed it.


I would also think a CT scan is in order as well?


Have you had your blood count taken?  A complete blood test is a good idea too.


Best of luck to you.


@Pink123 ... Thank you for all your great suggestions! I will mention all of this to my PCP as soon as l see him. 

Thank you so much! 

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...



I believe I have read all your information.

I hope someone has helped you even if it is only a little bit for now.

Sorry for my late followup... I got sick last week and it wiped me out.

What have you found out so far?

I don't know anything about hernias, but I don't care for the instructions they gave.


What in the world does that mean...if it gets "hot" go to the emergency room?  Doesn't make any 



I'm thinking that in time we (who are over 70) will be able to get in to see a good geriatric doctor? I'll bet their offices have staff to accept calls from patients with questions.


It makes me mad that they left you with so little information and provided no way for you to contact anyone for guidance!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

[ Edited ]

@LTT1 wrote:



I believe I have read all your information.

I hope someone has helped you even if it is only a little bit for now.

Sorry for my late followup... I got sick last week and it wiped me out.

What have you found out so far?

I don't know anything about hernias, but I don't care for the instructions they gave.


What in the world does that mean...if it gets "hot" go to the emergency room?  Doesn't make any 



I'm thinking that in time we (who are over 70) will be able to get in to see a good geriatric doctor? I'll bet their offices have staff to accept calls from patients with questions.


It makes me mad that they left you with so little information and provided no way for you to contact anyone for guidance!

@LTT1 ... Thank you for getting back to me! I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick! Sure hope it wasn't COVID! 

My appointment with my new PCP isn't for a few weeks yet so, no, l haven't found out anything.


I'm angry, and rather disgusted, at my colonoscopy doctor because he never referred me to anyone after my procedure came out clear. He just said "See you in five years!" He knew all about this problem because l saw him and he ordered the colonoscopy. He seemed very concerned but also he seemed to act like he didn't know what caused it if it wasn't this procedure. He was very kind and concerned...but, like l said, it wasn't caused by that procedure so "Sayonara patient!!" 

After the procedure l was very loopy and didn't think to ask him to refer me to someone else. I wouldn't think l would have needed to ask him... so now l feel like l was "dismissed" you know? Is that how he would want his wife or his mother to be treated?!?! 

Anyway... regarding the belly button hernia (l don't know the proper name), l mentioned it at my former PCP's office in 2021 and the nurse practitioner said yes l do have a hernia...and l asked her what to do. She said nothing really because it could happen again especially the bad cough l have from having COPD. She said if the belly button turns blue and is hot to the touch get help immediately... like go to the ER. Yep! That's what she said and l just looked at her and said something like.. That's it ???

So... l think about that every time l have a bad coughing attack...which l have several times a day! I cough hard and long after l eat a meal or just eat that's another thing l have. COPD... l started having more health issues after my late 60's. Before that it was fibromyalgia and emotional issues. 

When l went to the colonoscopy doctor he asked about my cough. l mentioned about the hernia and he said THE VERY SAME THING the PCP's office said !!! ...and he said "Aren't you concerned about your heart? ...when l cough hard like that?? I don't even remember what l said to him because l thought to myself... Oh good !! I could have a heart attack because of the coughing?!?! 

I'm all for having a geriatric doctor. Don't know if there's such a person or maybe an older PCP could help? At least it would be helpful if every PCP could send us to the appropriate specialist. I did have a good doctor for years back where l used to live but he retired. We were around the same age. 

l know! Like you said in your last paragraph how it made you mad that... in a nutshell... no guidance, at all, from my colonoscopy doctor on where to go from here... Grrrrr... 


Thank you for your concern! I'll let you know what my new PCP doctor says. I have a feeling he'll help me! He better!!! 

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...



I'm on Medicare now and I'm thinking you are too.

I believe this is one reason we don't get "the red carpet treatment" but for heaven's sakes!

All we ask for is enough information medically so we don't have to live in fear of what our bodies might "pull" on us!

When I had my last colonoscopy, it was probably the third time with my previous GI doctor. Afterwards, at the consultation, he told me all was fine now and explained the polyps.

I had mentioned my intestinal pain before the colonoscopy (classified as IBS) and told him I was very concerned about this pain, etc. 

He said  "you need to eat more fiber" and he could tell from the look on my face that wasn't a good enough explanation to allay my fears. So he ordered an abdominal CT scan. (Grateful)


''But with  medical practice as it is now, especially after covid, I believe it is important to pursue doctors for their COMPLETE opinion. If we have to confess that a previous doctor left us worried and wondering, you will be surprised that doctors know how to handle the issue without insulting the previous professional.


We need to be sure that every specialty doctor has the one primary nurse that they completely rely on. She will likely be the one who takes our call with concerns first. She screens the calls that are then sent to the doctor. She can often slready know the answer.


''I would have questions about a hernia that mere coughing would cause to be red (meaning possible internal bleeding?) And what was that comment, "aren't you worried about your heart?"


WHY WOULD THAT BE SAID TO YOU? It is a useless comment that doesn't follow.


Do you have COPD from Long COVID? Just curious because long COVID is really an issue, from what I have heard. 

''You have many questions about your health and how to prioritize your concerns. You have a right to information and a way to get the answers you need. ❤️

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@EastCoastGal You made my day in a way you can't even imagine. Thanks for your kind wor


As to "that' nasty poster, ignore her. She's not worth your time. Don't feed the troll!


You might want to re-read those posts. Nothing was nasty. I just happened to question the choice to delay care if it was as bad as was stated.