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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

I would like to thank everyone for your advice and suggestions. I have made an appointment to see my new PCP. Hopefully he'll send me to a specialist who can answer my questions. 

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@EastCoastGal  Good job!!   I hope you feel comfortable with this new doctor and get answers!!!  Best of luck to you!!

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@QVC101 wrote:

@EastCoastGal  Good job!!   I hope you feel comfortable with this new doctor and get answers!!!  Best of luck to you!!

@QVC101 ... Thank you very much! 

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

[ Edited ]

@EastCoastGal I have to admit I was kind of horrified that you hadn't had a PCP in 3 years but glad you are on track NOW! Wish you well.

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

[ Edited ]

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@EastCoastGal I have to admit I was kind of horrified that you hadn't had a PCP in 3 years but glad you are on track NOW! Wish you well.

@Love my grandkids ... No. It's been 3 or so months since I've had a PCP but I'm not up to date with my mammogram, Medicare Wellness checkup and blood work. I was always up to date with the yearly exams so l don't know what happened. Since l moved I had to get all new doctors and what a pain that was!  


Thank you for wishing me well. 😊


Edited to add: I went back to my original post and l saw where you could think l didn't have a PCP for 3 years...but l still had my PCP back where l used to live... 3 hours away. I was back and forth and had some of my tests out there since l wasn't yet established here. 

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@EastCoastGal wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:


Most doctors who perform colonoscopies refer people to other specialists if problems are found. Do not call the senior doctor.


Did the colonoscopy dr refer you to someone? If not, get the results on paper and call your own doctor for a referral or recommendation.


IMO, I'd have gone to the emergency room the first day if I had clots and blood like you describe.

@CalminHeart ... My sister did tell me to go to the emergency room but l thought what are they going to do to stop the bleeding? I thought only the colonoscopy doctor could help me because l went to him for an exam and he told me l had a hemorrhoid. I must have bled some for me to make that appointment. Then a few weeks later is when l had the bad bleeding. He seemed confused as to why l bled so much. I took a picture of how it looked in the toilet and he was glad l took a picture. He scratched his head when l told him l threw up clear liquid several times! He scheduled the colonoscopy. No. He didn't refer me to anyone. He completely dropped the subject after he told me my procedure was fine. He said he didn't think the bleeding was from my colon after all. I was very groggy from the medicine they gave me so l didn't think of it then. 

l haven't had any bleeding since and this happened about 3 months ago. It has been on my mind a lot because l really thought there was something wrong. You know how you get the feeling something is wrong? 


I'm sorry if I'm wrong with what I'm about to say. I say it because colon cancer runs rampant in my family and too many have died. Any symptom requires urgent care. 


All this doesn't make sense to me. IMHO, if it was as bad as you say, it's hard to imagine anyone waiting weeks for a test instead of doing something the first day. 


At the very least, ER/the hospital could have scheduled a colonoscopy within a day or two. If it wasn't a colon issue, the hospital would have helped figure out what it was. 


And just because the bleeding stopped doesn't mean the problem went away.




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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@EastCoastGal Sorry I misread your post. Thanks for the correction. Wishing you the best.

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

[ Edited ]

@CalminHeart wrote:

@EastCoastGal wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:


Most doctors who perform colonoscopies refer people to other specialists if problems are found. Do not call the senior doctor.


Did the colonoscopy dr refer you to someone8? If not, get the results on paper and call your own doctor for a referral or recommendation.


IMO, I'd have gone to the emergency room the first day if I had clots and blood like you describe.

@CalminHeart ... My sister did tell me to go to the emergency room but l thought what are they going to do to stop the bleeding? I thought only the colonoscopy doctor could help me because l went to him for an exam and he told me l had a hemorrhoid. I must have bled some for me to make that appointment. Then a few weeks later is when l had the bad bleeding. He seemed confused as to why l bled so much. I took a picture of how it looked in the toilet and he was glad l took a picture. He scratched his head when l told him l threw up clear liquid several times! He scheduled the colonoscopy. No. He didn't refer me to anyone. He completely dropped the subject after he told me my procedure was fine. He said he didn't think the bleeding was from my colon after all. I was very groggy from the medicine they gave me so l didn't think of it then. 

l haven't had any bleeding since and this happened about 3 months ago. It has been on my mind a lot because l really thought there was something wrong. You know how you get the feeling something is wrong? 


I'm sorry if I'm wrong with what I'm about to say. I say it because colon cancer runs rampant in my family and too many have died. Any symptom requires urgent care. 


All this doesn't make sense to me. IMHO, if it was as bad as you say, it's hard to imagine anyone waiting weeks for a test instead of doing something the first day. 


At the very least, ER/the hospital could have scheduled a colonoscopy within a day or two. If it wasn't a colon issue, the hospital would have helped figure out what it was. 


And just because the bleeding stopped doesn't mean the problem went away.




@CalminHeart ... Oh you're absolutely right and it was as bad as l said it was! I DO NOT MAKE THINGS UP!!!!! I don't need attention like some people on here...



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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

@EastCoastGal Very good that you kept detailed notes. Hope your gastro doc can figure out what's what. When I told my PCP 6 years ago about my symptoms he referred me to my gastro's practice that same day.


I called when I got home and had a colonoscopy within 2 weeks. My colorectal cancer was at stage IIIB and if I had waited longer I'm not sure I'd be typing this today. Thank goodness for my gastro doc.

You have my best wishes for a good/treatable outcome.

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Re: Bleeding and blood clots...

Everyone... This story is true as l swear on my Dad's grave. 

I do NOT make things up! I'm not interested nor do l need attention! 

l know l should have gone to the ER but l didn't and I'm still alive. The reason it came up now is because a poster here said on another thread that her colonoscopy came out good... then l told her so did mine. She congratulated me and then l told her that something else happened and l decided I would come here and post this and tell my story. 

l know. Shame on me for not going to the ER.... l hang my head in shame... 


The last poster made me feel like a liar. "IMHO..." she said... go read it yourself cause I'm not saying what she said...because I am telling the truth and she doesn't see how it could be true. Too bad because it is true.

l do NOT want any more comments to me please!