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Biopsies of the scalp and face

I recently had to get biopises of a spot on my nose and scalp and cryo of a spot on my cheek!  Yikes -- I look so horrible!


It's been 7 days and while they look like they are starting to heal, it seems like this will be slow going and take a long time to totally heal and the scars clear up.  I have not heard the results yet but I am hoping that there is nothing further that needs to be done.


My questions is -- anybody who has had these things done, what has been your experience(s)?


Thank you! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face



Many years ago.

But can you call them and tell them it looks like it will take a long time and what can you do?

Did they give you anything yo put on it to help it heal? 🤷🏼‍♀️ 

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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face

I've had this done and I use argan oil on the spots.  Works great and I heals up pretty fast.  Just remember, having a scar is better than having cancer.  I hope your results come back negative.  

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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face

two weeks for biopsy results, about four weeks for full healing. Don't put anything on the wounds that your doctor has not approved. 

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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face

[ Edited ]

I also had six pre-cancerous spot removed from my forehead about three weeks ago. Yes, it still looks strange. And I'm simply keeping it very clean and sanitary (no make-up) during the day by I'm using Cetaphil (my moisturizer) after bathing to keep the skin hydrated and help restore the sun damaged skin spots which I slather all over. I love that stuff!


Best wishes on a healthy recovery and results from the labs. I assume your areas are beginning to fade or grow smaller with time? Mine are lessening in appearance so I'm confident they will eventually go away completely. I do believe in using the moisturizing to help heal the skin and tissue beneath. Smiley Happy


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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face

I've had Mohs surgery twice to remove sizable skin cancers.  Both times the surgeon recommended applying plain Vaseline to the scars to speed up healing.

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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face

I had a biopsy  for a spot on the bridge of the nose.

it took around 4 months for the  redness to finally go away.

i was really depressed because I thought it would never go

away especially on the nose area.I used face touch up

when ever I left the house. horrible experience....

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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face

[ Edited ]

Many, many years ago I had some facial moles removed at the dermatologist's office.  They used a punch type tool. They were sent out for testing and all came back negative, but the waiting seems to take forever. I had some small stitches on my face. Once everything healed, the doctor put me on full strength RetinA/Tretinoin to prevent scarring. Today I have to think about where the moles once were.  My face looks like it's always been this way.  Stay positive that you'll get good results.

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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face

My DH has had numerous spots removed from head, face, nose, ears, etc.


Looks bad for a few days, but remarkably, he does not scar and you can't even tell.


He's very fair complected.  He doesn't put anything on the wounds either.  It's uncanny to me. Cat Surprised

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Re: Biopsies of the scalp and face



They told me to use aquaphor for the first few days, which I did.  After that, nothing.  Just wash with mild soap.  Thanks!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin