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Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

It's not your usual book and I'd never heard of the woman before, but I'm about midway through it now. She has pointers, pictures, facts, believe it's called I Quit Sugar.

Is anyone else seriously doing this? I'd love to hear what substitutes you use for cooking, baking or even eating.

Not sure I can totally adopt some of the foods she suggests, but it's serious for thinking about. Dad had diabetes, so I know it's a possibility for myself someday.

I'd love to hear how others deal with sugar or no sugar in their daily lives.

If you'd care to share, please do.

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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

Good for you ! Do it now, and you'll never get the diagnosis I did. Type 2 Diabetes.I am now in renal failure. We don't need sugar in our diets to survive. I have learned to live without it finally and it's not bad at all. You can wean yourself off it cold turkey or slowly but just do it !! Good luck !

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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

You don't need to eat sugar to get a diabetes diagnosis.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

On 11/22/2014 ID2 said:

You don't need to eat sugar to get a diabetes diagnosis.

True, but, years of eating it.....not horribly, but, you know. Informed doesn't hurt, LOL

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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

I have been reading a book also. It is called ""Living w/Diabetes"".

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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

I have Totally given up sugar----in ALL of its many forms. It's been about 15-16 months since I've had any sugar. It's been one of the best decisions in my life. Sugar is terrible for you. If I ever see something sweet on TV or at the office and have a flash of temptation, I just instantly think of cancer or diabetes and the appeal completely vanishes. Make no mistake about it: sugar will kill you.
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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

Qualitygal, good for you giving up sugar! I read a book called "Stop Only Sugar" (SOS), so we now use xylitol (Ideal brand). It has a small amount of Splenda in it also. It bakes cup for cup like sugar. Actually, someone on these boards recommended it to me. Her dietitian recommended it to her. It tastes exactly like aftertaste.

I order it from They always have the most reasonable price.

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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

The best way to do it is to quit cold turkey. Plan out your meals with foods that are high protein, low fat, and low carbs (veggies). Avoid fruits with high carbs, as they will trigger the sugar-craving part of your brain, and derail your success. Say no to bread, desserts, wine, beer, and especially "diet soda" (the bane of all evil under the guise of being acceptable in one's diet). Drink decaf tea or coffee if you need that to feel energized and drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water daily - finish your water by 7:30 p.m.. Keep a journal and weigh yourself every morning at the same time. Three to four days into this will kick the craving for carbs and jump start your journey on the way to good health.

I lost 30+ lbs. in less than 3 months doing this plan and have maintained the loss while toning up my muscles (and reducing excess skin as a result of the wt. loss) for the past 6 weeks. I do not have an exercise routine, but I do a lot of walking and stay active during the day and this helps with my sleeping well at night (another important factor for wt. loss is adequate sleep).

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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

On 11/22/2014 ID2 said:

You don't need to eat sugar to get a diabetes diagnosis.

I never implied that you did, but once you have it, and don't know it, and eat foods that contain natural sugar, you can end up in renal failure and have other diabetic problems. That's all I was inferring.

Sugar in any form does not benefit anyone.

But I hope you feel better in correcting me.

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Re: Been reading a book on giving up sugar.

I gave it up when I went low carb several years ago and I don't miss it. There is naturally occurring sugars in berries and veggies, so I don't worry about that, but no added or refined sugar. I also found when I tried it after giving it up that it made my stomach burn. If you can watch Dr Robert Lustig's lectures on sugar. They were done at San Francisco University, I think.