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Registered: ‎11-30-2014

@panda1234 wrote:

@ZoetheCat wrote:

My husband had two partial knee replacements, one last September and the other in November.  Prior to those surgeries, he had Baker's cysts in both knees.  He would have them drained periodically.  He said it didn't hurt to have them drained, although I would say he has a pretty high tolerance for pain.  There were no real after effects of the procedure and the relief was immediate.


When he had the replacement surgeries, the doctor removed the Baker's cysts at the same time.  The surgeon said that there is a possibility that one or both of the cysts could come back, but at this point, he has had no reccurrance.  The doctor also said that, generally speaking, when the underlying cause of the cyst is addressed (i.e., the replacement of his bad knees), the problem is less likely to occur.


I hope you find relief for your knees.  It was difficult to see my husband in so much pain (alhough not nearly as difficult as it was for him to endure it!), and I know how much it can effect the quality of life.  As an aside, he has been pain-free since having the knee replacements, so if that is what you face eventually, it might help knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


 It was interesting to read that your husband had partial knee replacements. I have not heard of that in a long time. Didn't know they still did them, it's usually a complete replacement.....good to know.@ZoeTheCat



@panda1234 My husband had a MAKOPlasty procedure on each knee.  This is a relatively new procedure, which is a robotic arm assisted surgery.  A CT scan is taken and then a computer builds a custom model of the knee based on the scan.  Not everyone is a candidate for this procedure.  From what I understand, only part of the knee can be damaged.  


The benefits to this type of surgery are considerable.  My husband spent one night in the hospital and literally walked into our house the next morning.  Obviously, there was a recuperation period and he had to have 8 weeks of physical therapy.  However, it was much less rigorous than a full replacement.

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Our son had a baker's cyst when he was young.  The doctor said it would leave just like it came, and one day it was gone.

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That is so interesting, very high tech. Thank you for explaining it.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I was plagued with Baker's cysts for years.  May 1st I had both knees replaced.  I had terrible pain in the back of my knees and told the Dr. "I thought you'd have gotten rid of the Baker's cysts".


He said, "Those aren't cysts.  That's where the tendons in the back of your new knees are tight.  You need to stretch them out".  


Well, I've been working on it and it's helped some.  That's my biggest problem with my new knees.


I realize this is different than your's.  If your Dr says you have them (I did have them), then I guess you do.


Here's something about Baker's cysts.  I read up on them again when I thought I had them:


I did read somewhere they can be drained and don't pose a problem unless they become solid.


Good luck.  I know how painful they can be.