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@SilleeMee wrote:

I have a Chair Gym and use it everyday to strength train my core and upper body. That helps me a lot. When winter comes and I have to shovel heavy wet snow, I am thankful for that Chair Gym.


+ 100 weighted deep squats per day.

Sounds great. I need to add a lot of weight training. I have learned my lesson it's more than just about looks. 

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@Laura14 wrote:

The core is also all about your balance too.  Extremely important when you get older not to fall.  

Thank you. Last year I fell down the stairs and broke my arm in several places. I know I'm clumsy so I do need to worry about that. 

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@BlueFinch wrote:

@Lali1 You need to be careful adding core exercises with a bad back. You don't want to make things worse.  


Check out McKenzie therapy for reducing back pain and for safe core work. There's lots of info online. It's highly recommended by my local pain docs and their patients.  

Thank you. I will check it out. 

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I have back pain often too and when it gets really bad i go see my chiropractor. within a day or so I feel much better and just make sure I take it easy for a few days--no discus throwing or double back flips---Woman Wink Also you might consider going to a dr for a check up and then maybe a couple days to a physical therapist for the how to's of strengthening your core. I've done that too. My insurance covered that. 

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@SilleeMee wrote:

Could be your mattress, too. I had lower back pain for a while. One day, while I was stripping down my mattress during spring cleaning, I noticed a sunken area on my mattress. The thing wasn't that old! Anyway, I replaced the mattress and my back pain went away. 

Thank you. I need to replace it. It's pretty firm though. I believe more than anything it's age and weight related. 

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@CAcableGirl2 wrote:

@Lali1  Please make sure you aren't dehydrated.  If you are, many times you will have lower pain in your lower back from your kidneys.


Try increasing your water intake over several days and see if that helps.  It may or may not, but it's worth a try.



Thank you. I have been drinking more water lately but I also have been a Type 1 Diabetic for over 20 years. My kidneys are a concern. 

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@wagirl wrote:

I have back pain often too and when it gets really bad i go see my chiropractor. within a day or so I feel much better and just make sure I take it easy for a few days--no discus throwing or double back flips---Woman Wink Also you might consider going to a dr for a check up and then maybe a couple days to a physical therapist for the how to's of strengthening your core. I've done that too. My insurance covered that. 

Thank you. I do need to go see my dr. Covid has been an excuse not to lately. 

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@Lali1 wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Lali1    When you get those "cricks", try putting ice packs on your back several times a day.  I get some relief from using Voltaren Gel.

Thank you. I use heat isupoose I should try ice too

Yes, absolutely, you should try ice. My chiropractor and PCP are adamant about NOT using heat for soreness as it typically doesn't relieve inflammation. Cold does. 

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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Along with strengthening work, for all areas, don't forget the need for flexibility.  It matters too.

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Hi @Lali1 


As one that has had 2 back surgeries and is minus my L-3/L-5/ S-1 discs! Your statement is profound. Core strength supports the spine from the front/flexibility of the muscles of the back allow easier movement of each vertebra.


Stretching muscles are not for "definition or vascularity(as in bodybuilding)" the effect is muscles and connective tissue to move without resistance, thus more effective movement.


Strong Ab muscles/ Flexible Spinal muscles=many fewer back issues. Done regularly and continually, not just when "oh my back is killing me".


At 81 and minus 3 spinal discs I am still as flexible as I was 40 years ago. Why? Read above!




