@Glass Lady K
...and all of those challenged daily by acute or chronic disorders and diseases.
When you become "medically complex," the world seems to change. I recall sitting at a board table with physicians and me the only non-physician. The topic was "The Challenges of the Medically Complex Patient." This was 1988.
So much has changed since then in terms of diagnostics, treatment, medications, ancillary services and the list goes on. One of the real drawbacks has been the "transfer" of control from the patient's physician(s) to insurance carriers. And that's just one change. Placed altogether in one basket, the changes since 1988 could be qualified as enormous.
I hope that you, as patients, are as active in your diagnosis and treatment, as your physicians are supposed to be. Don't ever think twice about asking questions, educating yourself and insisting on action, when there seems to be none. (Yes, you may fire your physician.)
OP here,
Today was another "You've GOT to be kidding" day, as I went in to rule out a stress fracture in my left foot, only to find out I DID have a stress fracture. This places me in a boot for the next 6 weeks. Am hoping we have no ice or snow until this thing comes off.
Some of you know my neuro has been changing my seizure medication. Oy vey, but this is horrible. I'm half asleep all of the time. Tuesday begins another round of going off one med slowly, going off a second med slowly and bringing on board yet another med. Today my neuro basically said not to plan on doing much in the next three weeks. Ha! - I just hope don't fall into my Christmas trees while decorating them. God help me get through this!
God's blessings in your struggles through daily challenges.