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@LTT1 wrote:



The little ones are the best comfort there is!!!



So agree with you!  Tomorrow we're going swimming together (the 3 of us).  The huge pool we go to has a tunnel slide for kiddos with a huge shark on the top, a humongous 2 storey red slide (which she loves - no fear) and a "river with currents."  Lots of good going on in that pool!

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Have a wonderful time!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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I don't remember the last time I felt really good.  I'm soon 69 years old, maybe that's some of it.


I have been feeling like I have the flu for almost 3 months now.  I just found out that I have Igg deficiency.  I go see an immunologist on Friday.  There is no cure but things can help to get rid of the flu-like symptoms.


I don't want to feel great (probably like all of you) I just want to feel normal/good.


Have any of you ever had where one side of your brain says to do one thing but the other side says, "No"?


I can go to Florida for the Winter months (maybe 2 1/2) and then come back to Va but I don't have the energy to mess with it.  I HATE cloudy, cold winter days.  


Have any of you ever gone down there just for a few months in the Winter?  If so, how did it work out?

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Sorry you have an IgG deficiency, too.  Since so many of our symptoms are the same, it makes sense.

Yes, I am tired most of the time.  Also, I have been given many diagnoses.

Sorry, have never spent two months in Fla... 

When I lived in Atlanta, GA it was the best I ever felt.


It would take me too much energy to travel and live in two places, but that is just me.  


Hope you feel better!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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I have one daughter who lives near Orlando Fla.  I could never (I don't want to) live with her but she wants me to live near her in Winter.  The problem is I think the highways are way too big so I wouldn't go out much.  She doesn't work and we'd run around together so that's a plus.


My daughter in Colorado (where it's sunny 300 days a year) would love for me to spend Winter there.  She's 35 and single.  She ski's every weekend.  I could live near her but HATE cold, love SunSHINE.


I have a daughter her that lives maybe 45 minutes (DC traffic) from me.  She's busy, has husband and 4 children in 4 schools.  She helps me with our family business stuff.


I have a good life, I know it and I appreciate it.  I have always thought that no one has a perfect life.  The trick is to appreciate the good.  It's hard to do that when you feel like @!#$ all of the time.


Hope you feel better too.  I love having everyone here to correspond with.  You're right it takes a lot of energy to do things, doesn't it?

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@Glass Lady K


...and all of those challenged daily by acute or chronic disorders and diseases.


When you become "medically complex," the world seems to change.  I recall sitting at a board table with physicians and me the only non-physician.  The topic was "The Challenges of the Medically Complex Patient." This was 1988.


So much has changed since then in terms of diagnostics, treatment, medications, ancillary services and the list goes on.  One of the real drawbacks has been the "transfer" of control from the patient's physician(s) to insurance carriers.  And that's just one change.  Placed altogether in one basket, the changes since 1988 could be qualified as enormous.


I hope that you, as patients, are as active in your diagnosis and treatment, as your physicians are supposed to be.  Don't ever think twice about asking questions, educating yourself and insisting on action, when there seems to be none.  (Yes, you may fire your physician.)




OP here,


Today was another "You've GOT to be kidding" day, as I went in to rule out a stress fracture in my left foot, only to find out I DID have a stress fracture.  This places me in a boot for the next 6 weeks.  Am hoping we have no ice or snow until this thing comes off.


Some of you know my neuro has been changing my seizure medication.  Oy vey, but this is horrible.  I'm half asleep all of the time.  Tuesday begins another round of going off one med slowly, going off a second med slowly and bringing on board yet another med.  Today my neuro basically said not to plan on doing much in the next three weeks.  Ha! - I just hope  don't fall into my Christmas trees while decorating them.  God help me get through this!




God's blessings in your struggles through daily challenges.



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@sfnative.... we have not connected in a very long time. I hope you are better now... I hope I hope... please catch up soon? <3
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@LTT1 wrote:
@sfnative.... we have not connected in a very long time. I hope you are better now... I hope I hope... please catch up soon? <3



Hi Loves,


Well, got through many bugs around here (running the gamut) and pray that 2016 is better than last year, when I had 10 head colds, one pneumonia and a bunch of other stuff.


Will have cataract surgery in early Feb.  Am looking forward to this, as all of a sudden my vision is so not good.  I went to get new lenses and was told not to spend the money because my problem was cataracts.  So here we go.


My 50th High School reunion was in October, but I silently chose for us not to go because I knew my other half would get stinking drunk and I was having red blood cell issues.  So I contacted the committee and they were great.  (I went to a public college prep school, so lots of brains going on.)  After the reunion they had a silent auction with some awesome , huge items.  I bid on and won a beautiful glass art necklace (love art glass!), which had been made by a classmate.  When the necklace arrived, there was also a large card signed by many of my HS friends.  Imagine my surprise!!!


One of the things that had been going on was my low hematocrit: I was headed for hematological therapy to increase the production of red blood cells in my marrow (my marrow being the problem via my kidneys).  Here's the kicker:  many who signed the reunion card said they would pray for me.  By the time I received the necklace and lovely card, my hematocrit was right up in the normal range.  How about that!



We continue to love having our 2 yr 4 month granddaughter with us 2 days a week, plus pick-ups Thu and Fri.  She is amazing , as I know your grandchildren are.  I am amazed every week at the leaps and bounds she is making.


 I sincerely hope you are doing decently well.  Please let me know.


God Bless ~ Rebecca

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Re: Are You Falling Apart?

[ Edited ]


I believe in the power of prayer, I have witnessed it first hand many times.

I will also be praying for you!Heart

I hope you are not in to much pain, and you have more strength to be able to travel and visit your school mates someday soon. So lovely that they signed the card to let you know you are in their prayers.


Take care of yourself you can take care of others ~ sunshine&rainbows

p.s. I too was wondering how your doing and have missed your stories & post...


Oh it defeats the purpose having two anti spywares! it will put you at risk, but you probably already know that by now.

Healing thoughts and prayers for you..


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Are You Falling Apart?

[ Edited ]

Hello, hello, hello!


I'm back and ready to go.  Remember this thread?  We were around for so long and I'm grateful that QVC has allowed me to resurrect it.


Those who became regulars also became my new ethernet friends.  Friends that I could pop in to "see" between procedures at work and during my obscenely long work days at the hospital.  A few ladies here became very dear to me.  We lived through some really tough times together; prayed together at specific times on specific days, so that we could bring the power of prayer and meditation to focus on the thread member that needed it.  And, one of our members lost a very close family member.  It was devastating for that member, of course.  We were all devastated for her, wept with and for her and were there for her on these pages.



So now we're back to be here for those of you who just know your body or whatever is falling apart and would like to share, need support or would appreciate information.  For me, it was my body that got this thread going and it's still doing its thing.


I hope that a few of you who were around for the years that this thread was alive will return to say "Hi."


God Bless - Rebecca


Edited to add:  The original thread was started in January of 2012.