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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

@hckynut wrote:


@emma bunting


Knickers eh? Ya got me on that one. You are right and I am wrong. Read the whole of the original post but somehow managed to miss you addressing your post to 2 specific posters.


My apologies to you for my oversight and bad eyesight.






thanks know I'd never give you grief like that! lol.  

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

@emma bunting@I like your plan to find out what caused the problem and maybe that can be addressed.

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

@AnikaBrodie he was prescribed the same med as you and is taking it for now.He was also given a heavy duty pain med indomethacin...which he does not want to take.He says he has no pain now.The problem is that he has tight tendons and this pain came on during an early morning heavy workout that he didn't warm up for.The pain was in his heal and he has always had trouble with both heals since he was young.He had one operated on and it has been fine ever since.The doc thought tendinitis but the podiatrist diagnosed gout.

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

[ Edited ]

@AnikaBrodie wrote:


I have a history of gout and take Allopurinal for it.  If I have an acute gout attack I use a prescription called Colcrys ( 0.6 mg.) up to 3 times a day until the gout attack subsides.  I rarely take Colcrys as long as I take the Allopurinal as prescribed. 


Permissible foods:

  • Skim milk
  • Low-fat dairy products (yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese)
  • Whole-grain products (look for the Whole Grain stamp or check product labels for ingredients such as “whole wheat flour.”)
  • Plant oils (olive, canola, sunflower)
  • Vegetables  
  • Cherries
  • Vitamin C supplements (one study showed that 500 mg or more per day decreased gout incidence in men.)
  • Coffee (if you drink it)
  • Water bottles (good for always having water handy, but tap water is fine)

Foods to Avoid:

  • Red meat and organ meats (liver, tongue and sweetbreads)
  • Shellfish such as shrimp and lobster
  • Refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, pasta, sugar)
  • Processed foods (chips, snack foods, frozen dinners)
  • Sugary beverages
  • Alcohol (If you drink, limit it to no more than one alcoholic drink for women and two for men within 24 hours.)

Gout is often hereditary.  My dad had it and so does two of my brothers.  It's a buildup of Uric Acid in the system.  I would encourage your son to check with his doctor re. treatment for gout and to schedule regular blood work to check his uric acid levels (i.e., every six months to start with).  



Thank you so much for this info and I will pass it on to my son.

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

I notice she never answered what the doctor's suggestions were. I'm betting it wasn't cherry juice.

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

The doctor suggested medicine for pain and one to lower the uric acid levels.

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

@dex wrote:

@hckynut  I just wanted to hear about the experienced of others too.Medicine is toxic for our bodies so one hopes not to have to spend a lifetime taking it when you are in your twenties.I was hoping that others have found through diet or supplements that they got this under control.




Perhaps his taking the prescribed medicine is the lesser of the two evils ... since it helped his problem.  


Rather than relying on suggested "remedies" on a message board,  he should learn to modify his diet and/or behavior so the problem doesn't continue.   If he's already having this problem in his 20's, clearly he needs to stop doing something that's aggravating the situation.   That way, he doesn't need any "remedies".

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

He just picked up the Meds yesterday so I don't think they have had time to work.He didn't take the pain med because the pain is gone.He waited for a few days before going to the doc in the first place ...thkstinkerb144

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

Thanks to everyone for your ideas.I do appreciate hearing from all of you.I like to know what others have experienced because sometimes you have thoughts that can lead to even better results or mention things that we hadn't even thought to ask about.There is a lot than can be learned from others experiences ..

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Re: Anyone have any gout remedies

My DH, dad and DB are on Allopurinol. It can be hereditary.  DH had no idea what was going on when he had his first episode.  As some of you may know, he is a bladder CA survivor, a kidney transplant recipient and he lost his spleen from a fall.  He said he said that the pain in his toe was worse than all of his previous surgeries.

I get a kick out of posters who just cannot bear the thought that they may have to take medications for the rest of their lives.  I think back to times when 40-50 was considered old age!  Well, I for one thank goodness for better living through chemistry and all the breakthroughs in modern medicine.

Simple blood work and urinalysis can tell a lot.

Just my 2 cents.