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Re: Anxiety issues /anyone

[ Edited ]



I have had a close relationship with anxiety for most of my life.  It got so bad in my 20's that I sometimes lost consciousness.It became debilitating.


I went into therapy back then and remained in it for a number of years and it certainly helped me deal with many stressors that I was dealing with.


I have never been on medications for it, but found the healing properties of exercise and meditation.  I don't know how able you are to exercise, but a nice, farily brisk walk every day (or more leasurely!) can be so helpful.  That, coupled with a short meditation period once or twice a day, can work wonders.


My best to you.

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@halfpint1 wrote:

With the high temperatures i have had the ac on. I can't take the noise especially  the motor which seems to be on even when the ac isn'r blowing, I never was like this  Are pills the only answer, I just had cataract surgery so please excuse error. i I am not sleeping much or eartng, no relatives but a son and he is resnting all this but helps aome and I am resenting him  for not doing more. I will be 80 and a widwo for a short time. No other family or friends  I am going craz y with this--anybody feel this way  not necessay with ac just th e feeling.


Did you have general anesthesia for your cataracts?  Sometimes people have problems like yours following anesthesia.  Please see your doctor.  You needn't feel this anxiety.  Do as much as you can to alter your everyday life by exercising (walking), going out with a friend to eat, or doing a favor or kindness for someone.  The more you change up your daily routines, the better you will feel.  Taking medications for anxiety is just the same as taking medications for any illness!  We're here for you!  Please let us know how you're doing! ! !  16x16_heart.png 

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My mother is 83, and has dealt with high anxiety her entire life; as did her parents and siblings.


I seriously believe my mother should have been put on medication in her 20's, but instead, she used cigarettes as her stress reliever, and is still smoking like a chimney every day.  In the years since my dad passed, mom's anxiety has progressed to the point it affects every aspect of her life.   


Christmas has been painful for years due to her high anxiety with having our small family in her house.  She wants us there; will not agree to have Christmas anywhere else, but then can't deal with having people in her space for 2 hours.  The TV gets on her nerves, the sound of people getting texts on their cell phones gets on her nerves, the sound of the dogs toenails on the wood floor gets on her nerves, etc.   


Mom started the new year on Zoloft, and recently increased the dosage.   The medication is helping; she can at least stand herself now, but we are changing Christmas plans this year.   



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I'm in the "club" too. I've had anxiety for most of my life. The last three years of my life have been extremely challenging. Honestly didn't think I'd get through it but I did. I was a stronger person too.


I'm the only caregiver for my mother, my two brothers do nothing to help. And their emotionally and verbally abusive ways have caused me much pain. I went to therapy last year, it helped. My anxiety has returned because my mother's health has taken a turn for the worse again. I walk when I can, use natural remedies...but I'm thinking about medication. I'm depressed as well. It's really hard to take care of yourself in my circumstances. People always say that to me, but it really is such a cliche. They have never lived a day in my shoes and my life. 





"If you really want to shock the world unleash your kindness"
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@halfpint1 wrote:

With the high temperatures i have had the ac on. I can't take the noise especially  the motor which seems to be on even when the ac isn'r blowing, I never was like this  Are pills the only answer, I just had cataract surgery so please excuse error. i I am not sleeping much or eartng, no relatives but a son and he is resnting all this but helps aome and I am resenting him  for not doing more. I will be 80 and a widwo for a short time. No other family or friends  I am going craz y with this--anybody feel this way  not necessay with ac just th e feeling.



I certainly feel for you.  This is not a pleasant condition to live with.  People who have never experienced it, do not realize how it impacts your life.  I am a high-strung individual, I guess you could say!  My mother has suffered with this most of her life and I guess I inherited the tendency from her.  I will go through periods where it is worse than at other times.  I feel at times like I have no air, like I am suffocating.  I feel like am not real, nothing is real, and I don't know how to escape it.  The more upset you get, the worse it gets.  I know that I have to concentrate and use all my will to think of other things and calm myself down.  I wake up with attacks at night at times and it's like someone punched me in the chest.  It's indeed a very troubling thing and I pray that you will get release from this and that family members or friends will be helpful to you.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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I have dealt with this all of my life. It seemed to get worse as I got older and my stress level grew. The big mistake I made (in hindsight) was to go off my pills. Presently, I take a much smaller doseage than I should but have learned some calming methods that help me. I also have learned to recognize when it's going to get worse which has been a help with the illness. If you can find some "thing" to occupy your time while you're waiting for the difficult time to pass or the medication to take effect, I find this to be a sense of relief. For me, it's a tv program or sorting out a drawer or the downstairs holiday clutter, etc. I also browse on the internet and that seems to work. I have learned to take it one day at a time and take the day in sections. It seems to make it easier. Hope this helps you. 

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Anxiety is very , very prevalent in our society and all ages are effected.  I will tell you some natural remedies I have found and use, L-theanine is great, Rescue Remedy in the spray form is also wonderful, and Calm in the powder form ( magnesium and calcium).  Funny you should mention the air conditioner sound, I know someone that had the same nervous feeling triggered by this also, and when the air wasn't working and it was hot was also a trigger.  I have anxiety also from having to help my 20 year old son with ocd, and anxiety , (he is on the spectrum also).  I just want to run from having to deal with him most of the time, and it is a horrible trapped in my life feeling.  Hang in there and know that there are others out there managing the same feelings.

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@halfpint1 wrote:

With the high temperatures i have had the ac on. I can't take the noise especially  the motor which seems to be on even when the ac isn'r blowing, I never was like this  Are pills the only answer, I just had cataract surgery so please excuse error. i I am not sleeping much or eartng, no relatives but a son and he is resnting all this but helps aome and I am resenting him  for not doing more. I will be 80 and a widwo for a short time. No other family or friends  I am going craz y with this--anybody feel this way  not necessay with ac just th e feeling.

I am almost in your shoes. I,m 81, live alone, but the heat, 110 the last few days, No AC, just fans and the horrible news.  I have been independent for years on my own, but it,s easier when you are younger.


I joined a Senior support group, helps a little.  My dog helps a lot, but her aging makes me sad.  I have two sons with very busy lives, but they have called during this heat, to check on me.  One lives a mile away, very rarely see him, but he called.  Daughter lives around the corner, she cares less.   It,s been hard, but I have learned to let go.


Our age makes it hard. And causes the anxiety.  Try to volunteer if you are able, or join a group.  Keeping busy helps, which I do. Remember, life is precious and try to live each day, it,s all we have.  No one can be your happiness, it is up to you to help yourself find some piece.  I know it,s hard, believe me,  getting up in age is not easy when you don,t have much family, but sometime even family too busy now a days.  


I thank God for other day of life and appreciate it.  I feel your anxiety, I really do, but choose to sit and read the bible in the morning before the start of the day.  Also take deep breaths and let it out slowly to the count of seven whenever I get overwhelmed.  You have to find what works for you.  Prayer?   Hugs. Please enjoy today.

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@halfpint1    you arent eating or sleeping and are hypersensitive to sound.  being alone is scary especially of you were married a long time. don't try to "tough it out"  please see your doctor.  medication may help.  i'm not big on talk therapy but thats because i have had a lot of it and most therapists are just sitting watching the clock... jmo.


i have had anxiety all my life.  it runs in cycles and when it gets really bad i cannot focus on anything,  walk around with a dark cloud over my head cannot eat and sleep.   i had a position 15 years ago that triggered horrible anxiety.  i was in constant fear of losing my job, it was a hostile work environment with a toxic boss.   economy was bad, bad job market. i could not quit.  had a mortgage and bills and i was on my own  i had a breakdown and was hospitalized.


i feel the angst coming on again and im going through some life changes.

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Your being a widow for a short time probably contributes a lot to your anxiety. As others have said, consult your doctor. If, as you said, you have no friends, try to join a support group or find a group that shares whatever your interests might be, whether it's music, crafts, religion, cards. If you're healthy enough do some exercise. Many Medicare programs have Silver Sneakers & that will get you exercise programs for no cost. As for your son, maybe he's doing all he's capable of so try to appreciate that.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.