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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

In 100 years, what will it matter?

I also love the Serenity prayer.

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

""There is nothing to fear but fear itself"" Franklin D Roosevelt

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

"" I will get past this""
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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

On 12/3/2014 snapdragons said:

GREAT quote !!!

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

""Please heal my fear based thoughts""

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

On 12/3/2014 qualitygal said:

First I remind myself that "this too shall pass" and if really rough going, The Serenity Prayer.

and if it seems too big, I just say, give it to God, he's even awake all night! HE can handle it.

One lady on TV said, "Lord, how many o's do you have in sooooon?" His timeline, not ours!

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

Depending on the situation. ""It's not my problem""

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

I too get a bit of anxiety at times. I had gone to get some therapy and the Doctor said she could help this along a "bit faster" with drugs. I told her no way, and that was the last time I went there. I told myself on the ride home, that I wasn't going to carry that "baggage" any longer and there and then I let it go. I look at God as my co-pilot and I am the pilot, sometimes I am flying solo and it's all good. But when the times seem a bit much I let God take over and get me through it. None of us are perfect, and that's good, it shows we are very human and make mistakes, how else would one learn, if everything goes well all the time. I read a lot as well from Dr. Wayne Dyer to The Secret, and the late Sylvia Browne and anything that soothes the mind, and gives me strength. I'm a very sensitive person and so a lot can bring me down, if I let it. Just remember we have a higher power that guides us, and knowing that I am not alone, when at times I feel that way. We are all in this together, and all experience things in different ways, but we all have those moments of doubt or stress and fear. But thoughts are things. So if we fill our heads full of negative thoughts that is what we bring our way. So fill your mind, body and soul with positive thoughts and feelings and feel good for a change. And know you are in good hands with God. Be well.

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

When I widowed very young (30) I would get so sad thinking of my Husband and loneliness and the dismal financial state I was left in - my Mom would tell me to take a deep breath. Think about nothing but breathing in and breathing out. Push all other thoughts out of your mind and think only about taking a breath in and blowing it out. She was right . If you really concentrate on thinking about that one thing - you can't think about what is making you sad or in your case, anxious. Just totally think about taking that nice deep breath, in and out. Plus -- when you take a few nice slow deep breaths you are probably doing good for yourself physically.

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

I don't really suffer from anxiety, but whenever I get stressed out because too much is happening, I remember Something's Got to Give. That was Marilyn Monroe's last film and it was never finished. Monroe was fired during filming because she never showed up on time, never worked a full day, and was having all kinds of life troubles. She was fired in June and dead by August. I think about that and how fitting that title was for what was going on in her life.

At some point, something does indeed have to give and if I don't take a step back to calm down and make some changes, I might be the think that gives out. It centers me, reminds me about what's really important, and helps me re-prioritize so that I do not become the thing that gives.