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About to have kidney surgery

Posted before but thought I would post one more time.MY kidney stone surgery was cancelled a month or so ago.  I was in the hospital and prepped and  ready to go when the doctor discovered I had aspirin.  I was sent home.  No one told me.  In any case my surgery is now next Tuesday.         


My question:  My issie is a large branching stone that has to be cut out.  If they have to put in a stent.... has anyone had a stent  and what does this mean to procedure? Does it stay in?  How long?  Does it hang out?  I don't want it exposed or in the way when I go square dancing.  

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Re: About to have kidney surgery

[ Edited ]

@bonnielu.  I don't know about kidneys but if it's like a heart Stent, it goes in a duct to keep it open and stays there forever.


Your doctor should've explained this.  He's apparently not great with explanations.  Have you Googled "kidney stent"?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: About to have kidney surgery

Please call your doctor's office this week with these questions. It's their job to answer any questions you may have.  You shouldn't have to ask here.


Heartfelt best wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.  

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Re: About to have kidney surgery

I agree. I'm surprised you weren't given do and don't instructions last time.

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Re: About to have kidney surgery

@bonnielu WOW! All of this should be a part of your pre-op teaching, check-list or visit! It is concerning that you are having this surgery SOON but were not educated about it before the FIRST attempt!😮 I would reach out quickly, but that care team scares me! I hope you get answers soon!🤞🤞



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: About to have kidney surgery

I am surprised it was never mentioned that a week prior to surgeries, no aspirin or ibu, that is a given. 

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Re: About to have kidney surgery

@bonnielu wrote:

Posted before but thought I would post one more time.MY kidney stone surgery was cancelled a month or so ago.  I was in the hospital and prepped and  ready to go when the doctor discovered I had aspirin.  I was sent home.  No one told me.  In any case my surgery is now next Tuesday.         


My question:  My issie is a large branching stone that has to be cut out.  If they have to put in a stent.... has anyone had a stent  and what does this mean to procedure? Does it stay in?  How long?  Does it hang out?  I don't want it exposed or in the way when I go square dancing.  

As Kachina already noted in her comments, your doctor should have explained to you how long the stent should be in place after your surgery and should have basically answered any surgery-related questions that you may have.


You may get a pre-op. phone call from a surgical nurse before your surgery and that would also be an opportunity to go over any questions that you may have before your surgery.


They should also go over any meds. that you are taking and should tell you what you can or cannot take before you have surgery.


I have had Ureteroscopies.


Those are stone surgeries done under general anesthesia where the Urologist goes in through the ureter to remove stones that may be there or in the kidney.


A flexible stent is put in place at the time of the surgery--at the end of the surgery. The stent is temporary.


The stent goes from the kidney and down through the ureter. It takes stress off of the kidney and the ureter as well and helps both to heal, and prevents the ureter from closing up and swelling closed after the surgery.


The stent can be left in for a week or so after the surgery. It depends on how long the doctor wants to leave it in.


When it's time to remove it, he'll have you come to his office and it will be removed in a regular exam room. A local numbing anesthetic is used to remove it. You might feel a bit of discomfort for the rest of the day when using the bathroom, but the discomfort will pass. 


There is a short string on the end of the stent so that the doctor can remove it, but it's nothing that you can see. It's so that he can remove it with a type of scope. It's nothing to be worried about.


Any questions that you have, check with your doctor's office before your surgery. 


I wish you all of the best. Heart

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Registered: ‎06-07-2010

Re: About to have kidney surgery

A surgical nurse or the doctor should have given you information and usually literature when you made the appointment for the surgery. It would have bothered me that you were not given important information and answered all your questions. Call the office with your questions. Make sure a receptionist is not answering your questions.

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Re: About to have kidney surgery

@bonnielu  I had lithotripsy twice for kidney stones. Both times I had a stent put in. Both times it was for a week. When I went back for my one week post-op appointment the urologist removed them. The first one I didn't even know was there. The second one started working its way out the day before my appointment. It was uncomfortable, but not horrible.

  My niece had a lithotripsy last month and her doctor explained to her how to remove her own stent. Things have come a long way since I had my last one 28 years ago.

  Make sure you check with doctor about the square dancing. You may not feel like doing that for a week or so.❤

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Registered: ‎01-27-2014

Re: About to have kidney surgery

@bonnielu  I just wanted to wish you well with your surgery. Sending good vibes to you. Please keep asking questions.... you must be your own advocate in using healthcare.