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I have been seeing a neurologist for chronic migraine for almost 20 years. We have tried every drug and drug combination imaginable to this point, including one of the newest, Aimovig... which didn't help me.


Last month, my doctor started me on yet another new medication, called AJOVY.  I am over-the-moon-happy to report that I have finally found something to prevent migraines.  I was having them daily and started to think it would be the end of me. Literally.


I'm posting here because I want you to know that if you or someone you love is suffering, there are new drugs just becoming available, so don't give up.  Please see your doctor about them.

~ house cat ~
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Re: AJOVY for chronic migraine.

How is this different from Aimovig, which did not help my friend, she finally gave in to Botox, which is helping. Something new called Emgality is out there too now. 

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Re: AJOVY for chronic migraine.

I have had severe migraines for 40 years.  I could get several per week.  A few months ago I went to a new Neurologist that....she tried me on a new medication (actually a once a month injection)...Emgality....this is a life saving medication for me.  I now get maybe 2-3 migraines per month.  And when I do get them they , I can get rid of them rather quickly.  It is a miracle drug for me.  I inject it myself.  It might be similar to an epipen.  It definately is a wonder drug for me!!!!!

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Re: AJOVY for chronic migraine.

Topimax brought me relief. The added benefit (for me) is it's also an anti-seizure med. I take a lot of it in additional to other seizure meds, but seldom know a migraine is in progress. 

Money screams; wealth whispers.
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Re: AJOVY for chronic migraine.

@Shelbelle wrote:

How is this different from Aimovig, which did not help my friend, she finally gave in to Botox, which is helping. Something new called Emgality is out there too now. 


My doctor simply explained that it "works differently" than Aimovig.  I tried Aimovig for 6 months, with no noticeable benefits.  I had one injection of AJOVY last month and almost miraculously, the headaches stopped.  I needed Imitrex on three occasions during the month, but compared to daily migraines, I consider it a major success.

The Aimovig is self-administered with an Epi-type pen, just click it and it releases. The AJOVY is an actual hypodermic needle, but simple to use and worth any discomfort.

~ house cat ~
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Re: AJOVY for chronic migraine.

I should mention that the medication is very expensive.  My insurance company wouldn't pay for it until my doctor proved that I'd tried virtually everything else.  However, the pharmaceutical company provided him with samples, so my first injection was free.

~ house cat ~
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: AJOVY for chronic migraine.

@ruthbe wrote:

I have had severe migraines for 40 years.  I could get several per week.  A few months ago I went to a new Neurologist that....she tried me on a new medication (actually a once a month injection)...Emgality....this is a life saving medication for me.  I now get maybe 2-3 migraines per month.  And when I do get them they , I can get rid of them rather quickly.  It is a miracle drug for me.  I inject it myself.  It might be similar to an epipen.  It definately is a wonder drug for me!!!!!

I'm so happy for you @ruthbe . I totally get it.  I consider it a life saving drug.

~ house cat ~
Posts: 27
Registered: ‎06-17-2010

Re: AJOVY for chronic migraine.

Ajovy has been life changing for me. Its wonderful to not have a migraine. A few times a month one breaks through and it reminds me of why I take Ajovy to not have this pain. I used to have chronic migraines.