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Posts: 12,702
Registered: ‎08-22-2013

If you have never been to a yoga class before, I would suggest you try a 6 week beginners class. I have been practicing yoga for 20 years and if you are not breathing and being mindful of your posture in a pose you may hurt yourself. Even people who have practiced for years hurt themselves. For people in their 60's, a gentle yoga with the help of props so you don't over extend your muscles, IMO is very important. At 67 I will not do any pose that makes me uncomfortable, that's not what yoga is about.

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Posts: 115
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

I ordered it and I love it.  I am 67.  They are very careful to tell you not to do any pose that hurts and they have a person demonstrating a modification of the pose.  I have done the 3 weeks and started the cycle over this past Monday.  I have improved! The instructors are great.  So glad I orderd it!

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Posts: 12,295
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

@MILKI I've checked the Amazon reviews on this Yoga series.  A lot of people were discontent because of the ads/selling of products throughout the videos.  For those of you who have purchased,,,,have you found this to be true?

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 115
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

They show about 3 ads for other Beachbody products after your particular workout.  You can just hit menu to go to another program.  I read those comments on Amazon also & just thought ‘duh’, you are not forced to watch them