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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Wen - Alert - 6/11 - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

[ Edited ]


These are the two newest, great value ODOs available today, and they each have free S&H:


* WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach -- $49.98 


* WEN by Chaz Dean 4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- $59.96


There's more information on these two kits below. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy







ODO -- Summer Seasonal Mousse, Styling Creme & Brush -- $49.98



The WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach kit is priced at $49.98 and has free S&H:


* 7.5oz Mousse -- - $42 at Chaz site 

* 6oz Styling Creme -- $30 at Chaz's site

* medium round brush -- about $20 value at QVC


Thanks so much to @jaxs mom for pointing out the actual Seasonals prices at Chaze' site, since these two Seasonal products are NOT available for individual purchase at QVC... and folks who purchase the Seasonal Mousse and SC specifically want these Seasonal styling products and NOT similar products from other Wen lines. Smiley Happy


Since there is free S&H, if you want the Seasonal Mousse, then essentially you are getting the Seasonal SC and Wen brush for about $10.


As a general product point of comparison, I have used the Restorative and Classic products as a point of pricing comparisons (since they are available at QVC). -- At QVC non-Seasonal Mousse runs around $32-4 (613 or Restorative lines), which the non-Seasonal Classic Styling Creme (SC) is $24.




This kit is the only way to purchase the Styling Creme (SC) in the Summer Honey Peach (SHP) or Summer Coconut Lime Verbena (SCLV) SC.


The SHP and SCLV Mousse is available in one other kit at QVC that had  been an ODO last week. -- SCLV still available, and SHP is waitlist only --  WEN by Chaz Dean Summer 32 oz. Cleansing Cond. w/Mousse&Brush Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach or, as the WEN by Chaz Dean Summer 32oz Cond. w/Mousse &Brush Auto-Delivery option. -- feature price is $76.96, with free S&H.


The Seasonal Mousse and SC are available at Chaz's site at a much higher prices, so this kit is a very good value. -- If you want it, then you should make your purchasing decision asap, because this kit this kit usually sells out when it is presented in the Wen shows.






Free Standard S&H
QVC Price: $65.00     One Day Only Price: $49.98
Available for 3 Easy Payments









ODO -- 4-piece 613 & 319 3oz Nourishing Body Treatment -- $59.96



Earlier this spring, Chaz offered a 3-piece 613 or 319 Nourishing Body Treatment (NBT) as an ODO for $59.96 (Wen- NEW -Nourishing Body Treatment 3 oz. Travel Trio), so this 4-piece set is an excellent value.


A single 3oz NBT tube ia $40 on Chaz's site. -- At some point, I think the individual tubes were available at QVC for $30 (but I could be wrong about that).


The 8oz NBT is priced at $59 at QVC. -- This ODO gives you 12oz of NBT for about the same price. 






Free Standard S&H
QVC Price: $72.50    One Day Only Price: $59.96
Available for 4 Easy Payments




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Registered: ‎06-07-2013

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

@bebe777 YAY!! Thank you!

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Registered: ‎12-12-2010

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

Just ordered the NBT...WOW 12 oz. for the the normal price of 8oz. Well, it's .59 cents more.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

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A Names Notifications



These are the two newest, great value ODOs available today, and they each have free S&H:


WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach -- $49.98 


WEN by Chaz Dean 4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- $59.96


There's more information on these two kits in the very first post in this thread. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  A 


@addicted2q @Adelina @Adrienne @Aeon @AlleyCat @AlohaSun @Andreatoo (in bold) @ANewHue @AngelPuppy1 @appleseed @April-Rose @AprilBird @aprimo @Aresnz @Arianny @Atellam @bebe77 



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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

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B Names Notifications



These are the two newest, great value ODOs available today, and they each have free S&H:


WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach -- $49.98 


WEN by Chaz Dean 4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- $59.96


There's more information on these two kits in the very first post in this thread. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  B 


@BackwoodsBarbie @BARBIE100 @bballwidow @beach-mom @beatlefan @Beautoxica @bebe777 @beepzipzang @Beeweaver @BethanyB @betsyblue @BExplorer @Bhvbum @BichonEmma @Akane @blackhole99 @bleueyez28 @blondeshoediva @blondie13 @BabyYoda @Boehm Collector @bohemian @BootLvr @Boxerdoglover @Brdwygurl @Brenda810 @Buck-i-Nana @Buckeye815 @ButterflyGirl1969 @bebe77


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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

[ Edited ]


C Names Notifications



These are the two newest, great value ODOs available today, and they each have free S&H:


WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach -- $49.98 


WEN by Chaz Dean 4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- $59.96


There's more information on these two kits in the very first post in this thread. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  C  


@c_la_vee @cac140 @Caitlinh429 @CamilleP @Campion @cancun08 @CANDLEQUEEN @candys mine @Catbelly @CatLoverDogsToo @Ceci @cerinthe @cgil @ChazzyLady @Cheezit @Chefgal411 @ChicagoHeather2 @chickenmoo @ChocolateLime @ChynnaBlue @Cindi10 @Citrine1 @clangley @ClassySassyGal @cnd8 @CoCo87 @coffeegal @CoG @Colonel Meow @cosmic1 @Cotygirl @Cin001 @Cranberries @crblu @croemer @Curiousincali @Cuteepy03 @CWS22 @bebe77 


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

[ Edited ]


D thorugh F Names Notifications



These are the two newest, great value ODOs available today, and they each have free S&H:


WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach -- $49.98 


WEN by Chaz Dean 4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- $59.96


There's more information on these two kits in the very first post in this thread. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  D 


@danabanayna @Daycaremom816 @Deanie @deedeewar @deja vu @delaneysmom @delish91 @Dell1 @Dessert1st @Diva1Donna @divadeb @CalMom @Doherty @Dorianwalk @dotgirl @doxie1 (in bold) @DrCEB @Drythe 



Names:  E - F  


@Ebrennix @ECBG @EdithEllenLily @ElleMc @ElvisShops @enw5002 @equss @Faith1818 @fashionqueen @Felixfan @FleaMktQn @FormerlyFabulous @foundinlv @free-spirit @Fressa @bebe77 


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

[ Edited ]


G through I Names Notifications



These are the two newest, great value ODOs available today, and they each have free S&H:


WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach -- $49.98 


WEN by Chaz Dean 4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- $59.96


There's more information on these two kits in the very first post in this thread. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  G  


@GCR18 @geezerette @Gram W @gemslily @germanblush @eddyandme @GoochiePooDoo @pggoody @gracewade @gramygram @gtx @Gussie2007 



Names:  H  


@haleypie @HangingTen @happycat @HappyDaze @Harley2013 @hatetoiron @HBNY74 @hecate @hfpint @Hilary77 @GingerPeach @bargainsgirl @HonnyBrown @Hop @hopi @HSB1204 



Names:  I  


@kwkelley @Ibby114 @icezeus @sktchy @islandgrrl @bebe77 


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

[ Edited ]


J and K Names Notifications



These are the two newest, great value ODOs available today, and they each have free S&H:


WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach -- $49.98 


WEN by Chaz Dean 4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- $59.96


There's more information on these two kits in the very first post in this thread. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  J  


@Hope4102 @Janealma @vcdrt @jaxs mom @jay633 @jazzbabe @jb20 @Jeannie29 @Jen44 @jennys kid @Jhincher @JohGlo @jp926 @jpie @jrq @Julie_23 @jurby 



Names:  K  


@Kardi @KarenaJeannette @karin334 @karlam @karmakat @Karnerblue @karuna @kathie66 @Katmary @kefromCA @Kelseyrr @Kempokim @KentuckyWoman @kesselrun @kesstrain @Kitkat21 @kjae @kjcteach1 @Kjelle @KJPA @cddh @KMBSAB @KonaKat @kricket3142 @ksporter53 @KumiC @bebe77 


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - Alert - 2 ODOs - Seasonal SC, Mousse & brush, or (4) 3oz NBT tubes

[ Edited ]


L Names Notifications



These are the two newest, great value ODOs available today, and they each have free S&H:


WEN by Chaz Dean Summer Styling Creme & Mousse with Brush -- Choose Coconut Lime Verbena or Honey Peach -- $49.98 


WEN by Chaz Dean 4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- $59.96


There's more information on these two kits in the very first post in this thread. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  L  


@Labbylove @Maltichonmom17 @ladygirl @Ladygolighty41 @LAMS @Laura14 @leavesgalore @Leothelion @Mgggr @liliblu @LIndaMJ @Sunnycorle @littlepixie @CoastalGal @LJernee @LKDKK2 @LoraR @lovinglife @lrmuffin @Lucky Duck @LucysMommy @lusinia @luvingit @Luvitorleaveit1 @LUVLUVLUVTOSHOP @Luv_My_Beagle @LuvMyPuppies @luvzchiz @lyn61 @lynne6was7 @Lynnster67 @bebe77